Archives Internal Audit Entry Meeting 2021
Kembali 12 Maret 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

In order to support bureaucratic reform to actualize transparency and accountability in BAPETEN, an orderly archive management is needed in each Work Unit (UK), in accordance with archival principles, rules, and standards. For that, the Organization and General Affairs Bureau (BOU) held a virtual Archives Coordination and Socialization Meeting on Friday (12/03), as an entry meeting for the 2021 Archives Internal Audit activities.

The meeting, which was attended by 60 participants from internal BAPETEN and guided by the Head of Protocol and Administration Section Kuspriyanto, discussed the Awarding of Archives Supervision in 2020 and Socialization of the Implementation of Circular Letter of the Executive Secretary No. 0357/SET/II/2021 about Follow-up to Circular Letter (SE) of the Minister for Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan RB) No. 01 of 2020 in BAPETEN Environment. This SE Menpan RB concerning the Rescue and Preservation of State Archives for the 2014 – 2019 Period or the first period of Joko Widodo's reign.


The head of BOU Dedik Eko Sumargo, opened the event officially as well as giving directions. In his speech, Dedik said that the principle of archives is similar to nuclear preparedness who need to be maintained, managed, and easy to find when needed. In addition, the archiving supervision award for the best Work Unit (UK) dan HR of Records Management is given a Certificate of Appreciation.

Furthermore, Dedik said, “This is an award and knowledge that recorded in the historical literacy process towards improvement that the UK given the best, trying its best to carry out archiving supervision optimally and cooperative”.

The UK that received awards were the BOU and the Learning and Training Center (BDL) from the Executive Secretariat with the predicate of Very Satisfactory; Directorate of Licensing for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Substances (DPFRZR) with the predicate of Very Satisfactory; and the Directorate for Supervision of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Substances (DP2FRZR) and the Directorate for Supervision of Nuclear Materials Installation (DP2IBN) with the predicate of Satisfactory.


In addition, the Head of BOU expressed his appreciation to the awardee for the best achievements that achieved today and are expected to be improved. To the UK that has not achieved, not to be discouraged because it is a joint effort to maintain the archives that we have and can be useful for now and in the future.

“What we are doing is history that we are writing. After us, the next generation will enjoy and read our history. And this is very important,” said Dedik.

In the presentation of the SE Sestama socialization, the Head of the TU Subdivision Rinasari said that the scope of archive audit was wider than the SE Menpan RB which had a specific time span. On the other hand, appreciation is conveyed to BHKK which has contributed to the harmonization of BAPETEN Regulation No. 3/2019 concerning the Security Classification System and dynamic archive access rights in the BAPETEN environment. Based on these regulations, the UK is expected to be able to routinely propose 3 boxes of Proposals for Destruction and 1 Box Proposals for Handover.


The discussion session discussed a lot about technic of archive auditing, so it is recommended to make a pocket book to foster an archival culture that contains Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) related to archives. At the end of the event, the Head of BOU asked the UK leader to support this archival audit activity and the result would not be the output of BOU but a proof of BAPETEN's work in Bureaucratic Reform. [BOU/Djatmiko/BHKK/IP/RA]




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