Appointment of Senior Executive Position, Primary High Position, Administrative Department, Specific Functional Position and Signing of Integrity Pact in BAPETEN Environment
Kembali 21 Januari 2021 | Berita BAPETENBased on the Decree of the President of Republic Indonesia Number 13/TPA year 2021 concerning the Appointment of High Leadership dated 12 January 2021 and the Decree Chairman of BAPETEN No. 0143/K/I/2021 concerning the Appointment of Primary High Leadership, Certain Administration and Functional In The Environment Of Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency on 20 January 2021, held the Inauguration of Certain Functional Officials at BAPETEN Office on Thursday, 21 January 2021.
The event was led by Chairman of Bapeten Jazi Eko Istiyanto and witnessed by Executive Secretary Batan Agus Sumaryanto, Deputy Chairman For Nuclear Safety Assessment Dahlia Cakrawati Sinaga, and Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin. The event was also attended by echelon II officials through offline and online application.
Jazi said "We have seen IT become a necessity in this pandemic. At this event was partly done online. This makes the deterioration quick and precise."
He explained "IT will increase in value because of the increasing value, examples Mr. Urip has just written a book 41 Years to become Abdi Negara, knowledge like this hopefully in the future all can write it down. The value data always increases over time."
"Inspections in the pandemic period become a big challenge because not all areas can be inspected. Another obstacle is dealing with the permit holders who are also being WFH. Regulation is enshrined, diembeded on IT to make the request for permission easier. Regulation can also be enshrined, diembedded in IT so that permission request becomes easier." he added.
Based on the Decree of the President of Republic Indonesia Number 13/TPA year 2021 concerning the Appointment of High Leadership dated January 12, 2021, who were appointed to the positions of :
NO | NAMA | Diangkat dalam jabatan |
1 | Ir. Dedik Eko Sumargo | Kepala Biro Organisasi dan Umum |
2 | Asep Saefulloh Hermawan, S.Si, M.T | Direktur Inspeksi Fasilitas Radiasi dan Zat Radioaktif |
3 | Haendra Subekti, ST, M.T | Direktur Pengaturan Pengawasan Instalasi dan Bahan Nuklir |
4 | Zulkarnain, ST, M.T | Direktur Keteknikan dan Kesiapsiagaan Nuklir |
5 | Bondan Wicaksono, SE | Kepala Bagian Rumah Tangga dan Barang Milik Negara–Biro Organisasi dan Umum |
6 | Kuspriyanto, S.Sos | Kepala Bagian Protokol dan Tata Usaha -Biro Organisasi dan Umum |
7 | Rinasari, SE, MM | Kepala Subbagian Tata Usaha Deputi Pengkajian Keselamatan Nuklir-Biro Organisasi dan Umum |
8 | Trianto Setiawan, SE | Kepala Subbagian Tata Usaha Kepala- Biro Organisasi dan Umum |
9 | Tri Djatmiko Sukoharto, S.Sos | Kepala Subbagian Tata Usaha Deputi Perizinan dan Inspeksi–Biro Organisasi dan Umum |
10 | Yudi Kurniadi, S. Sos | Kepala Subbagian Rumah Tangga dan Pengamanan-Biro Organisasi dan Umum |
11 | Rahmadi Januar, ST | Kepala Subbagian Barang Milik Negara dan Pengadaan–Biro Organisasi dan Umum |
12 | Thathit Lusprihatmini Praptanugrahanita, S.Si | Pengembang Teknologi Pembelajaran Ahli Muda |
13 | Eka Kurniawan, SE | Pengembang Teknologi Pembelajaran Ahli Muda |
14 | Iza Farikha, S.Si | Pengembang Teknologi Pembelajaran Ahli Pratama |