1st Monitoring of the Development from the Implementation of the Deputy Chairman Nuclear Safety Assessment Bureaucratic Reform Team Action Plan
Kembali 15 Juni 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

The Bureaucratic Reform Team of Deputy Chairman of Nuclear Safety Assessment (RB PKN) BAPETEN held a meeting for the delivery and discussion related to 1 (first) monitoring progress from the implementation of the Action Plan (RA) on Monday, 14 June 2021.

The event was opened by RB PKN 2021 team leader Taruniyati Handayani. She delivered "this is a meeting from a series of coordination that have been scheduled to plan, implement, evaluate and report on RB PKN activities. In connection with the decision of the Deputy Chairman of Nuclear Safety Assessment on RA RB PKN 2021 in April 2021, this meeting was to discuss the progress status of each working group (Pokja) in implementing RA RB PKN.



The meeting continued with direction from Deputy Chairman Nuclear Safety Assessment Dahlia C. Sinaga. She said "any small progress should be appreciated because as part of the overall changes that must be made, further reports and documents of proof from implementation can be prepared either in the form of hardcopy or softcopy. Identify existing systems that make it easier for us to carry out activities and must be made to support performance improvements, and must be consistent and routinely carry them out"

The activity continued with the presentation from the progress of RA implementation on each pokja. In pokja 1 already has a draft on "Guidelines For The Code of Performance Ethics That Emphasize The Implementation af a Potent Surveillance Culture". Furthermore Pokja 2 regarding "Identification of Regulations That Are Not Harmonious (need to be revised) And Coordination Schedules Between Work Units Related To The Preparation of Regulations", Pokja 3 "All RA Is Fulfilled And Has Been Implemented In April 2021, Namely The Filling of Institutional Evaluation of PKN And Has Been Submitted To The Institution Level", Pokja 4 "Identification of The Entire Business Process Map of Each Work Unit, SOP,Existing Applications, And The Collection of Evidence", Pokja 5 "Identification of Employee’s Needs Planning, And Potential Development", and Pokja 7 "Identification of Gratuity Reporting, SPIP, LHKASN And LHKPN, Conflict of Interest". Furthermore, it is planned to coordinate with the Inspectorate to request data and evidence support. Finally Pokja 8 "The Guidelines Draft of Service Standards That Will Be Proposed Become The Guidelines of The Institution, And All Work Units Will Identify The Service Standards".



Dahlia responded by conveying "all guidelines that will be made later are proposed into the institution's guidelines. All work units must perform identifications according to RA and be collected to the RB PKN team. The RB PKN team can request personnel representatives from each work unit to assist in identifying and gathering evidence. The implementation of socialization related to RB PKN needs to be done in the near future to all employees. And lastly we must be consistent with the implementation of this RB."

This meeting ended with a message from RB PKN team explaining the implementation of the next meeting scheduled on 12 July 2021. [DP2FRZR/Rusmanto/BHKK/OR/RA]

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