X-ray Aircraft Conformity Test Expert Training
Kembali 09 Agustus 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

The Education and Training Divisions (BDL) held an X-ray Aircraft Conformity Test Expert Training which was attended by 8 participants who will take place from 9 to 12 August 2022.

Head of BDL Ahmad Ciptadi Syuryavin in his report revealed that the participants of the 2022 Expert training were 8 people consisting of: 4 people with general radiographic modalities, 2 people with Fluoroscopy modalities, 1 person with Mammography modalities and 1 person with dental aircraft modalities.



Ciptadi added that the purpose of this training is to improve, prepare and ensure the competence of qualified experts.

As is known, X-ray Aircraft Conformity Test Experts are carried out as one of the provisions in Bapeten Regulation (Perba) Number 2 of 2018 concerning Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology X-ray Aircraft Conformity Test and Perba Number 2 of 2022 as a change Regulation.



"In the future, along with the increasing needs, we will hold this training more often, because this training is very beneficial for the protection of workers, patients and also the community," he said.

"Accompanied by prayers from us, hopefully we can complete this training well and produce good grades as well, and we can carry out smoothly until the training is over," he continued.

The training was opened by Director of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness(DKKN) Zulkarnain, on Tuesday 9 August 2022. In his remarks, Zulkarnain said that we need to optimize the suitability test of diagnostic and interventional radiology X-ray aircraft to improve radiation safety for patients, radiation workers, and the public in general. The X-ray Aircraft Suitability Test is a series of testing activities to ensure that the X-ray aircraft is in reliable condition.


"Therefore, the implementation of this Expert Training even though it is held offline, hopefully does not cause anxiety and reduce our enthusiasm to organize or take part in this training and will certainly not reduce the quality of the implementation and competence of the Expert personnel who take part in this training," he said.

In order to ensure that the implementation of the conformity test can take place properly and optimally, it must be supported by competent human resources, so that later the results obtained from this conformity test can guarantee that the X-ray aircraft operated is reliable and can guarantee safety for both patients, radiation workers, and the public.

"With the holding of this Expert Training, we all hope to get human resources with qualifications or competencies as stipulated in the existing regulations," said Zulkarnain.

"Experts play an important role in ensuring the safety of X-ray aircraft operations, and the limited number of experts currently available, we hope that the increase in experts from all of you can help smooth the process of testing the suitability of X-ray aircraft in Indonesia," he continued.

This expert training is for the first time carried out by BDL, previously this training was carried out by the DKKN.

Concluding his remarks, Zulkarnain congratulated the participants in this Expert Training "Hopefully, what is our common goal in organizing this training can run smoothly and get the blessings of Allah SWT." He said. (BHKK/Bams/Chika/OR/RA)

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