Working Visit of Nuclear Security Detection Development to Tanjung Priok Type A Customs and Excise Main Service Office
Kembali 01 November 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

Head of Center for Regulatory Assessment of Nuclear Installations and Materials (P2STPIBN) BAPETEN conducted a working visit to the Tanjung Priok Type A Customs and Excise Main Service Office on Tuesday, November 1, 2022. This activity was carried out in the context of efforts to monitor and overcome smuggling and unauthorized movement of radioactive and nuclear materials and a national nuclear security detection strategy is needed using a radiation portal monitor (RPM) system supported by reliable supporting infrastructure.

Following Presidential Regulation No. 60/2019 on National Policy and Strategy for Nuclear and Radiation Safety, it is necessary to develop an RPM program for domestic production involving all related parties to meet the needs of radiation detection for nuclear security throughout Indonesia, which includes nuclear areas, customs areas and other strategic areas.

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This visit was led by Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment (PKN) Dahlia Cakrawati Sinaga and received directly by the Head of Customs and Excise Services 3 Budi Harjanto and his staff. The event was opened with remarks from Budi, in his speech saying "This visit is very useful for us because it will provide more knowledge about radiation and there will be a field evaluation with the Bapeten team to find out an overview of the installation and duties and functions at the Port."

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The activity continued with remarks from Dahlia Cakrawati Sinaga who said "Bapeten is responsible for the entire process of radiation supervision and nuclear installations in Indonesia, currently Bapeten is compiling several activities regarding security and of course, we must coordinate and collaborate with stakeholders and related agencies, one of which is Customs, where security is one of the factors that we must improve together."


The visit was continued with a presentation on the Evaluation of the Threat of Smuggling Radioactive and Nuclear Materials and the Demonstration of Radiation Equipment by EH. Riyadi. In his presentation, Riyadi explained the importance of synergy and collaboration between stakeholders in supporting national nuclear security.

The event was closed with a field evaluation aimed at ensuring the RPM is functioning properly. It is expected that this working visit will improve the collaborative system of nuclear power monitoring at Tanjung Priok Port. [BHKK/OR/Da/RA]

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