Working and Coordination Visit to Yogyakarta Nuclear Area
Kembali 27 Mei 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN, through the P2STPIBN Nuclear Security Team, organized a working and coordination visit to the Yogyakarta Nuclear Area managed by BATAN Accelerator Science and Technology Center (PSTA) on Thursday (27/05). This activity aims to evaluate the need for radiation detection on nuclear safety, as well as the personnel needs in the operation, maintenance and the repair of radiation detection devices, especially in the use of Radiation Portal Monitors (RPM). Yogyakarta Nuclear Area consists of three work units, namely PSTA, College of Nuclear Engineering (STTN) and Center for Nuclear Fuel Technology (PTBBN) BATAN.

P2STPIBN Nuclear Security Team, consisting of Agus Yudhi Pristianto, Azizul Hakim, Petit Wiringgalih, Dedi Hermawan, Dwi Cahyadi and Eko Hadiyono Riyadi, met and exchanged ideas regarding the installation of RPM with the person in charge of the security system of Yogyakarta Nuclear Area, Sukadi and Basuki. The meeting began with a presentation by the person in charge of the study from radiation detection equipment for nuclear safety, Petit Wiringgalih, and the person in charge of HR study activities for nuclear safety, Dedi Hermawan. After the presentation, a discussion was held about the needs of RPM and personnel in the Yogyakarta Nuclear Area.


On the occasion of the meeting, PSTA BATAN conveyed a warm welcome to the visit of the P2STPIBN nuclear security review team. Sukadi as a representative of PSTA BATAN said that RPM is needed in the Yogyakarta Nuclear Area to improve nuclear security.

"Currently, radiation detection is done manually against goods and personnel crossing security posts, so the effort is not reliable in monitoring radioactive sources that move illegally," Sukadi explained.

Representative from P2STPIBN said that it is currently preparing an evaluation of radiation detection needs for national security, so that the results of the evaluation can be a reference for all parties, including the Yogyakarta Nuclear Area, in the installation and operation of RPM and other radiation detection devices.

After discussions and QnA session, the study team conducted field observations around the nuclear area to assess the needs of RPM and other radiation detection tools. The Yogyakarta Nuclear Area team conveyed various potential threats to nuclear security as well as various mitigation measures carried out by the security team. At the end of the visit, it was agreed that the Nuclear Security Review Team would conduct more intensive communication and coordination with the Yogyakarta Nuclear Area in reviewing RPM needs and personnel needed to support the safety of radioactive sources beyond the control of surveillance.[P2STPIBN/Muktaf/BHKK/IP/OR/RA]

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