Webinar on Policies for Supervision of NPP’s Development in Indonesia
Kembali 15 September 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

As one of the ways to carry out the development of laws and regulations in the field of nuclear installations and materials, BAPETEN held Webinar on Policies for Supervision of NPP’s Development in Indonesia, with speakers from the Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment BAPETEN Dahlia Cakrawati Sinaga and the Director of Electricity Engineering and Environment of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Wanhar, Tuesday (15/09).

The event was opened by the Chairman of BAPETEN Jazi Eko Istiyanto. In his remarks, Jazi said, "We have dreamed of having a nuclear power plant for a long time since the 1950s, when Batan was just established and was named the Atomic Energy Institute headed by G.A. Siwabessy. The existence of nuclear engineering department at UGM is actually to prepare reliable human resources for the operation of nuclear power plants. Furthermore, our human resources are also improved both at Batan and BAPETEN by participating in many trainings, both at home and abroad. Likewise, the cooperation that has been built by Batan and BAPETEN, can actually be used as capital to operate a nuclear power plant".


Furthermore, Jazi added that BAPETEN together with several ministries/agencies, TNI/Polri, already have the I-Concept (Indonesian Center of Nuclear Security and Preparedness and Support), which is a nuclear emergency response organization that has received appreciation and got good grades by the IAEA.

Then, regarding the Non-Commercial Power Reactor (RDNK) permit process by Batan, Jazi said that BAPETEN is working with various parties as TSO (ITB, UI, UGM, ITS), related institutions (Pemda, BMKG) and expert team from IAEA. BAPETEN also encourages local governments and civitas academica to be able to participate in the nuclear power plant licensing process for the betterment of the nation and state.

On the occasion of this webinar, the Regional Secretary of Bangka Belitung Province Naziarto, asked several questions regarding the provincial government's plan to build a nuclear power plant in its area. Naziarto also said that in principle, the Bangka Belitung provincial government supported the use of nuclear energy in its area, so that it could take advantage of renewable energy.


"Even though the plan has many rejections, in real terms we need sufficient electrical energy, especially through nuclear power plants. Through participation in this webinar, Bangka Belitung Province hopes to get input, especially regarding permits for nuclear power plant development," Naziarto said.

Meanwhile, Dahlia explained that licensing related to the construction of nuclear power plants is contained in Law No. 10/1997 concerning Nuclear Energy article 17, which is further elaborated in Government Regulation No. 2/2014 concerning Licensing of Nuclear Installations and Utilization of Nuclear Materials. "Regarding the nuclear power plant construction, these permits cover several types, namely site permits, construction permits, commissioning permits, operating permits and decommissioning permits. The total of licensing period for the construction could be up to 15 years, or at least 7 years, even if it is simpler and the evaluation can be faster," she said.


"In granting permits to users, in this case are nuclear facilities, BAPETEN always has the principle of implementing the 3S, namely Safety, Security and Safeguard," added Dahlia.

Representing the Director General of Energy and Mineral Resources, Wanhar gave a presentation regarding the permit to build a nuclear power plant in Indonesia. He said that in 2007 an inter-ministerial team had been formed to build a nuclear power plant and in 2025 it was hoped that the first nuclear power plant would already be owned by Indonesia, so that the process was withdrawn starting in 2015. However, due to the change in head of state, the policy for developing nuclear power plants has changed and nuclear power plants in the National Energy Policy (KEN) is in the last priority.


"So, the decision regarding the NPP, yes or not go, depends on the President's decision, if the President says not yet, then not yet," he explained.

Responding to questions in the QnA session that moderated by Plt. Director of Supervision of Nuclear Instalation and Materials Bambang Eko Aryadi about how so that Indonesia can go nuclear, was answered by Wanhar "KEN must be revised first, the problem is that as long as there is other energy that can still be used besides nuclear, the government has not seen nuclear power as an option".


From the discussion of this webinar, it can be concluded that regarding the plan to build a nuclear power plant in Bangka Belitung or other provinces, not only the approval from the Regional Government, the Chairman of Institution or the Minister, but there must be a green light from the President.

For BAPETEN, the unclear plan for NPP development is not a problem. BAPETEN is still preparing regulations and supervisory resources for the operation of the NPP. If one day the government declares to "go nuclear power plant", BAPETEN is ready.


The webinar which was held virtually, was attended by 100 participants who were delegates from several Ministries/Institutions, Regional Governments, Universities and Hospitals. [BHKK/Bams].

Webinar presentation can be downloaded at:




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