Webinar of Introduction of DRL and the Use of Si-INTAN for General Radiographic Modalities
Kembali 01 Juli 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN held Webinar of Introduction of Diagnostic Reference Level (DRL) and the Use of the Radiation Dose of Patient Information Management System (Si-INTAN) for General Radiographic Modalities, followed by 82 participants from hospitals and clinics in Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua (01/07/2020).

The webinar, which was held for the second time, was opened by the Head of the Center for RFRS Regulatory Assessment (P2STPFRZR) Djoko Hari Nugroho. In his remarks, Djoko said that BAPETEN's duty to protect the use of nuclear power in all fields and the safety of the community, workers and the environment.


"BAPETEN is on your side to provide protection from radiation hazards for workers, community and environment in the use of nuclear energy in the health sector," he said.

"Ladies and gentlemen, all of you always provide health services to patients and we also provide protection so that no harmful effects for patients and medical workers," Djoko added.

Regarding patient's protection, since 2014, BAPETEN has been developed the Si-INTAN Application and has been socialized in several cities in Indonesia. This application can calculate the Diagnostic Reference Level (DRL) on the modality or ionizing radiation equipment owned by the Hospital. DRL is a dose value that is determined together to be a guide in delivering radiation to patients.

Furthermore, Djoko stated that BAPETEN has given appreciation for health services that have actively used Si-INTAN for several years and certainly contributed to the improvement of effectiveness in terms of human resources, procedures and modalities.


"The appreciation is called Anugerah BAPETEN. Next year, in 2021, awards will be held for the category of patient's protection. This award held every 2 (two) years. We hope that users who use Si-INTAN optimally will be selected and can be invited to Jakarta to receive awards from BAPETEN," said Djoko, ending his opening remarks.

At this meeting, there was a presentation about the introduction of DRL by the BAPETEN Radiation Supervisory Functional Officer Ida Bagus Gede Putra Pratama and a presentation from Sudradjat about using the Si-INTAN application.

In his presentation, Ida Bagus Gede Putra Pratama usually called Tama, explained about the legal basis of DRL, also the definition, purpose and benefits of DRL, both at the national and hospital scale.

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Tama explained that DRL is a tool to assess the extent of optimization that has been carried out, so that can give an optimal dose by taking into account the resulting image adequate for diagnostics.

"The higher or lower value of DRL can be caused by 3 things, namely modality, HR or work procedures. All of that need to should be evaluated and investigated periodically so that it will increase optimization and then it is hoped that the DRL value will shift to a lower value than the national DRL, and then be evaluated again until an ideal DRL value is obtained," he said.

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In the next session, Sudradjat explained that the use of the Si-INTAN application by the hospital would provide a positive image for the hospital. "This application will improve services to patients and hospital performance, especially for hospital accreditation assessments by KARS that can give positive credit points," he said.

Sudradjat described the procedures for using Si-INTAN and practiced it on-line to participants. "Usually, we do direct practice, but because of the condition of the Covid-19 pandemic, we do it via online but hopefully it can be understood," he explained.


The event, which was hosted by the Head of BAPETEN Health Assessment Division Rusmanto, ending with questions raised by participants. [bhkk / bams]




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