Visiting to the Center for Human Resource Development Standardization and Conformity Assessment of the National Standardization Agency (BSN)
Kembali 17 Januari 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The Directorate of Licensing for Nuclear Installations and Materials (DPIBN) of BAPETEN was visit and discuss to the BSN Center for Human Resource Development for Standardization and Conformity Assessment on Wednesday, January 17, 2024. This visit was carried out in the context of networking related to the 2024 training plan conducted by the Center for Human Resources Development Standardization and Conformity Assessment-BSN.

The Team Leader of the Directorate of Licensing for Nuclear Installations and Materials in the opening explained that the visit to this center was the first time and it was hoped that from this visit an overview would be obtained related to the Center for Human Resource Development for Standardization and Conformity Assessment and the potential for cooperation between DPIBN and BSN. DPIBN also mentioned the purpose of the visit, including the plan to develop capacity building: nuclear-related ISO standards that are possible to be applied in the verification stage, in the aspects of site, design, construction, etc.

imgkontenThe team from DPIBN was received by the Head of the Center for Human Resource Development for Standardization and Conformity Assessment, Arini Widyastuti and team. In her remarks, Arini explained that the Center for Human Resource Development for Standardization and Conformity Assessment has the task of carrying out the development of human resources for standardization and conformity assessment and as a Fostering Agency for Functional Position in the field of Standardization and Conformity Assessment, especially currently the Functional Position of Standardization Analyst and Functional Position of Metrologist. In carrying out its duties, the Center for Human Resource Development for Standardization and Conformity Assessment carries out the main functions, among others, related to the preparation of technical policies and the implementation of human resource competency development for standardization and conformity assessment.

The application of ISO is important to ensure that the nuclear products produced are in accordance with the requirements and standards both nationally and internationally so that the safety of the utilization of nuclear products can be guaranteed. From the results of the discussion, several potential trainings were obtained that were possible to be carried out either in the form of public/public training or inhouse training, including ISO 19443: 2018 Quality management systems Specific requirements for the application of ISO 9001: 2015 by organizations in the supply chain of the nuclear energy sector supplying products and services important to nuclear safety (ITNS), ISO/IEC 17020:2012 General Criteria for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection, ISO 12749-2:2022 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection, ISO 9978:2020 Radiation protection Sealed sources Leakage test methods, etc. At the end of the visit, discussion was held to continue the follow-up of this initial meeting.[DPIBN/Siwhan/BHKK/OR]

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