Visit of BAPETEN and Stakeholders in Drafting Jakstranas to IPLR BRIN
Kembali 25 Juli 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN) visited the Radioactive Waste Processing Installation (IPLR) - National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) on Thursday, July 25, 2024. This visit was part of a series of coordination activities between ministries in drafting the draft presidential decree (RPerpres) National Strategy Policy (Jakstranas) on Management of Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel, which had begun the previous day, July 24, 2024.

During this visit, stakeholders are expected to have an idea of the situation and process of radioactive waste processing at the only radioactive waste processing facility in Indonesia. Also present during the visit was Acting Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Taruniyati Handayani, Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin, representatives from Bappenas, representatives of work units at BAPETEN, and a team from IPLR BRIN as the host.

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The participants of the visit were divided into three groups to visit several existing waste processing facilities. The facilities visited were the waste processing center in Building 50, which contains evaporation, compaction, and dismantling facilities; High Activity Waste Temporary Storage (PSLAT) facilities; Interim Storage 1 (IS-1); Interim Storage 2 (IS-2); a transit shelter; and the Temporary Storage Installation Connection Channel for Spent Nuclear Fuel (KH-IPSB3). Each place visited was accompanied by a facilitator from IPLR BRIN.

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Coordinator of the Safety Function Implementation of IPLR BRIN Mohammad Romli delivered a presentation on the facilities owned at IPRL so that participants got an overview of the facilities to be visited. In general, waste processing facilities are divided into IPLR and KH-IPSB3. In IPRL, contaminated waste material is managed, both solid, liquid, and semi-liquid; processing of unused wrapped radioactive materials; storage of radioactive sources; surveys and transportation of internal radioactive waste, as well as technical and educational guidance on radioactive waste management.

Ajrieh, as the IPLR Operation and Maintenance Coordinator, said that with this visit, participants can see firsthand the current storage capacity and problems in the facility. So that all current problems can be included in the Jakstranas program. During the visit, participants were equipped with personal dose monitoring devices and also PPE in accordance with safety procedures in the facility.

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In closing, Zainal Arifin said that after seeing the field directly, we can see that several parts of this facility have experienced a decline in performance due to the effects of aging that require repair and renewal. He said that we need to work together to find a solution for this so that this important facility can continue to function as it should to support the use of radioactive and nuclear materials and anticipate the construction of a nuclear power plant in the future.


Taruniyati Handayani expressed her gratitude for IPLR's willingness to be visited to provide field insight for stakeholders in the preparation of this Jaktranas. She hopes that the Jaktranas program that will be prepared can overcome all the problems of radioactive waste management that are currently occurring and can also overcome the possibility of additional radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel (BBNB or Bahan Bakar Nuklir Bekas) due to the increasing number of radioactive materials and nuclear power plants in the future. [DP2FRZR/Vatimah/BHKK/Da/Translator: GP]

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