Virtual Plenary Meeting of Government Regulation Revision No. 29 of 2008
Kembali 24 Juni 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

In order to finalize the preparation of the Government Regulation revision No. 29/2008 concerning Licensing of Utilization of Ionizing Radiation Sources and Nuclear Materials which has reached the final stage, a meeting was held on Thursday (06/24/2020). This meeting invited various agencies related for completion this 12-year-old Government Regulation.

This meeting was held because in the process of harmonization, the Ministry of Trade still had not approved the draft that had been made, especially related to the authority of the Ministry of Trade. For this reason, it is necessary to continue the harmonization process which is an important process in the drafting of laws and regulations. Through this process, it is hoped that the result of regulations will be in harmony with other regulations and there will be no overlapping. With the harmonization process, it is expected that there will be no conflict between regulations and maintain the consistency of regulations at various levels of regulations in the hierarchy of regulations in accordance with the Law on the formation of Legislation, Law No. 12 of 2011 and its changes.

The meeting was opened by the Director of Harmonization of Laws and Regulations II, Yunan Hilmy. The main agenda of the meeting was to get clarity and re-agree on issues related to the authority of the Ministry of Trade regards on blocking for importers who violated the provisions stated in the Law of Trade.


Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Yus Rusdian Ahmad, in his speech, hoped that through this meeting an understanding and agreement could be reached on the arrangements in this Government Regulation Revision.

In this meeting, it was agreed that a higher level meeting should be held, namely the Chairman of BAPETEN and the Minister of Trade, who were simultaneously in the process of harmonization regarding the issue of authority. The meeting also agreed that the issue of blocking authority would be included in the Draft Revision because it involved cross-sectoral interests and emphasized the authority of BAPETEN especially in the freezing the utilization permit that had been issued. BAPETEN has the authority to provide recommendations for blocking if it is found that export and import activities of the Ionizing Radiation Source do not have a utilization permit.

In order to produce a comprehensive decision from this meeting, BAPETEN invited officials and representatives from the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Ministry of State Secretariat, Ministry of Research and Technology, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Home Affairs, Investment Coordinating Board, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Ministry of Law and Human Rights. [DP2FRZR / Vatima / BHKK / Bams]




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