Verification of the ANRI Archives Supervision Team in the Context of 2022 K/L Archives Supervision Activities
Kembali 24 Juni 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

In accordance with the Regulation of the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI) No. 6 of 2019 concerning Archives Supervision, Archives Supervision is a process of activity in assessing the conformity between archival principles, rules, and standards with archival administration. To that end, the ANRI Archives Supervision Team verified the BAPETEN archive audit.

The audit verification activity was opened by the Head of the Organization and General Bureau, Dedik Eko Sumargo, in his opening remarks conveying "The follow-up to the results of the 2021 archival supervision recommendations that are still in process, namely the implementation of the SRIKANDI Application (Sistem Informasi Kearsipan Dinamis Terintegrasi), as well as reporting and submission of authentic copies archive is preserved. By carrying out verification of BAPETEN archive audits by the ANRI Archives Monitoring Team, it is hoped that it can guide archive management, facilitate and become a booster so that it is integrated with the general application of SRIKANDI archives.


Field Verification in the context of Archives Supervision at BAPETEN, was carried out by 3 ANRI archival supervisory teams which was carried out for 2 days, on 22 and 24 June 2022. namely on Wednesday, June 22, 2022 and Friday, June 24, 2022. Field verification activities were carried out through examination of conformity with archiving rules in terms of making archive lists, structuring archives and services for using inactive archives and vital archives information, are carried out through visits to the Record Center Room, Building C, BAPETEN to check the facilities and infrastructure for storing inactive archives, both textual and audio-visual media.


After the field verification was carried out, it was continued with the discussion of the Interim Audit Results Minutes (RHAS) of BAPETEN 2022, there were several notes on the results of the recommendations that must be followed up to increase the value of the BAPETEN’s archival supervision of 2022.

It is hoped that with the supervision of BAPETEN's external archives in 2022, it can improve the quality of archive management supported by professional BAPETEN Archival HR, in order to support the implementation of clean, effective, transparent, and accountable government as well as quality and reliable public services in the context of realizing good governance. [BOU/ Rizki Parhani/BHKK/SP].


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