Verification of Nuclear Medicine Operation Permit at Urip Sumoharjo Hospital, Bandar Lampung, and Mitra Plumbon Hospital, Cirebon Regency
Kembali 25 Oktober 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DPFRZR) of BAPETEN conducted a verification of the Nuclear Medicine Operation Permit at Urip Sumoharjo Hospital, Bandar Lampung City, and Mitra Plumbon Hospital, Cirebon Regency, in parallel on 21-25 October 2024. This activity aims to ensure that the design calculations for radiation-resistant buildings, main equipment, supporting equipment, human resources, and procedures have met radiation safety requirements and are safe for the safety of workers, patients, the community, and the environment.

The inspection team, led by the Director of DPFRZR Ishak, accompanied by Ahmad Maulana, Dwi Angestiningsih, Lilis Misnawati, and Daniel Himawan, verified the operating permit for the In Vivo Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine Facility and Therapy at the Nuclear Medicine Therapeutic and Molecular Theranostics Installation of Urip Sumoharjo Hospital, Bandar Lampung, with the modality of the GE brand SPECT CT machine type NMCT 870 DR and the therapy provided for the use of radionuclides I-131 and Sm-153.

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Meanwhile, the Verification Inspection Team, led by the Activity Manager of the Health Facility Licensing Function Group—DPFRZR Iin Indartati along with Made Pramayuni, Dewi Lelyana Maharani, and Tita Dewi Puspita—verified the In Vivo Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine Facility and Therapy at Mitra Plumbon Hospital, Cirebon Regency, with the modality of the Siemens Pro.specta Q3 brand SPECT CT machine and therapy provided for the use of radionuclides I-131.

The scope of the onsite inspection includes document and technical inspection of the conformity of the design of the built facility and the adequacy of the thickness of the radiation barrier in the preparation room, enumeration and storage of radionuclides/radiopharmaceuticals equipped with an acid room (fume hood) according to standards, a room for administering radiopharmaceuticals to patients, a patient imaging room, a patient room after administering radiopharmaceuticals, a decontamination room, a temporary storage room for radioactive waste and processing before disposal, a patient waiting room after administering radiopharmaceuticals, and a special toilet for patients after administering radiopharmaceuticals in the Nuclear Medicine facility for In Vivo Diagnostics and Therapy, ensuring the performance of the main equipment and supporting equipment, measuring radiation exposure and ensuring patient flow and personnel ability to operate the SPEC CT machine according to standards, as well as checking protection equipment.

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From the results of the verification, the hospital is committed to completing the findings submitted by the BAPETEN team within a certain time limit. The smooth running of the verification activities is supported by the hospital, which follows and welcomes the course of the activities until the end; any deficiencies are considered as input and technical suggestions for fulfilling radiation safety according to applicable regulations and standards.

The hope is that with the opening of nuclear medicine services at Urip Sumoharjo Hospital, it will become the only private hospital that has the most complete specialist doctors and the latest and most sophisticated equipment so that it can become a referral hospital in southern Sumatra.

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With the addition of nuclear medicine services, Mitra Plumbon Hospital can always provide the best service to the community in serving cancer patients around the Cirebon Regency area and its surroundings, thereby reducing the large costs for patient referrals to Bandung or Jakarta. [DPFRZR/Dwiangesti/BHKK/Da/Translator: GP]

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