Towards a Sustainable Golden Indonesia in Nuclear Energy: The Safety Culture Assessment Contributes to Building Safer Nuclear Facilities to Preserve Public Trust
Kembali 14 Juni 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

Safety culture is a combination of organizational and individual characters and attitudes within an organization that pays top attention and priority to radiation safety issues, as stated in Government Regulation No. 45/2023 on Ionizing Radiation Safety and Radioactive Materials Safety.

To determine the value of safety culture in an organization, an assessment is needed, which is carried out through five methods, namely surveys, document evaluations, observations, interviews, and discussions. The assessment results are the overall results from the survey to the discussion and are not obtained separately from each method. The scope of the safety culture assessment consists of 5 characteristics of safety culture, namely Safety is a clearly understood value, leadership for safety is clear, safety responsibility is clear, safety is integrated into every activity, and safety is driven by learning.

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In nuclear facilities, the 2024 safety culture assessment was carried out by BAPETEN at the Multipurpose Reactor G.A. Siwabessy (RSG-GAS), which began with a survey activity on March 8, 2024. Furthermore, document evaluation and observation activities were carried out on June 10-14, 2024. Observation of safety culture provides information about people in the context of their actual work, such as how people interact, work practices, what people pay attention to in their daily work, and how safety is prioritized in every interaction and work. The purpose of the safety culture observation is to reveal actual performance and behavior in real time and ensure that personnel at RSG-GAS have built and developed a safety culture in all organizational activities. Meanwhile, document evaluation is intended for what values are recognized and institutionalized (documented) by the institution.

The document evaluation and observation activities this time were carried out through document examination and field observations for all characteristics of safety culture. The implementation of document examination was carried out by examining several pieces of documentary evidence and continued with discussions with RSG-GAS personnel. Field observations were carried out by observing several activities carried out at RSG-GAS.

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From the observations conducted, several good practices were found in RSG-GAS, especially in terms of safety that is integrated into every activity. However, for the improvement and enhancement of the existing safety culture, there are still opportunities for improvement and enhancement that can be carried out according to current conditions.

The results of the survey, document evaluation, and observation activities will be used as material in the next assessment stage. [DIIBN/Winda Sarmita/BHKK/AQ/Translator: GP]

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