The Role of Media in Publicizing Nuclear Surveillance
Kembali 30 November 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

The supervision of nuclear energy utilization, its neutrality, the bad and the good around daily life are the central themes in the discussion of Nuclear Supervision Dissemination. This time, the theme is The Role of Media in Publicizing Nuclear Supervision.

The talk show, which was hosted by Mojang Bandung, Mei, presented 2 speakers in their fields, namely BAPETEN Public Communication Coordinator Abdul Qohhar and Pikiran Rakyat Editor-in-Chief Satrya Graha Laksana.

Mojang Bandung started the talk show with questions about what nuclear is and how nuclear is in our daily lives, to the BAPETEN Public Communication Coordinator. It was explained that according to the goals of our founding fathers, nuclear is only used for peaceful purposes, so it is widely used in the fields of industry, health and research.

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On that occasion, it was explained not only nuclear and its utilization, but it was also further explained regarding the supervision of nuclear energy utilization by BAPETEN. Supervision is carried out by Regulation, Licensing and Inspection to achieve the main objectives of safety, security and safeguard so that nuclear utilization is safe for workers, the environment and society.

The Editor-in-Chief of Pikiran Rakyat also explained that he was familiar with the word nuclear because of the Triga reactor in Bandung. Information related to nuclear is currently felt to be still difficult to access, for example when the Triga Reactor will be made into a tourist spot and the earthquake has just occurred in Cianjur, but there is no information on the state of nuclear reactors. This makes the media confused about who to ask.

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In addition, the short time for journalists to prepare a story means that if it's past the deadline, it can't be published, and the next day the theme is different. Although essays are expressive freedom in the form of writing, the accuracy of data and technological knowledge cannot be ignored.

The underlying thought behind this dissemination is the common label, that nuclear is scary. It is the alignment of technology with the destruction that we worry about. But what happened has already happened. Atomic bombs have stained the pages of the history of life when Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed. Nuclear which has been familiar in our lives in various fields is still less echoed, both by the government and the media. "In this discussion, it was conveyed that the lack of writings related to nuclear including its supervision is an obstacle for journalists in finding references in making essays," he added.

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The event, which will be broadcast by Inspira TV, was held in Bandung, West Java, on November 30, 2022 and was attended by 34 participants from TV, Newspaper, Radio and Online Media Journalists in the Bandung area.

After hearing many journalists questions and answers from the speakers, we know that the utilization of nuclear power is strictly supervised by BAPETEN. The anxiety that often arises in the mind. What if there is a leaky reactor accident? Is the technology available that guarantees its safety? If you are exposed to radiation, what should you do? It has been answered, which one is a myth and which one is a fact. How about a national energy policy, to overcome the world energy crisis? in this discussion also explained the nuclear-capable countries. [BHKK/SP/Da/RA]

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