The Indonesian delegation attended the International Conference on Nuclear Security 2020 in Vienna
Kembali 12 Februari 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

The International Conference on Nuclear Security (ICONS): Sustaining and Strengthening Efforts is held in Vienna, Austria, 10-14 February 2020. ICONS is a ministerial-level meeting to exchange ideas about the experiences and achievements of each country in strengthening nuclear security.

ICONS 2020 was opened by the new IAEA Director General, H.E. Mr. Rafael M. Grossi and attended by more than 1,000 delegates from 130 IAEA member countries.

The Indonesia delegation was led by the Indonesia’s Permanent Representative in Vienna, Dr. Darmansjah Djumala, accompanied by the Chairman of BAPETEN Jazi Eko Istiyanto and the Chairman of BATAN Anhar Antariksawan, as well as 6 (six) BAPETEN’s staff and 3 (three) BATAN’s staff invited by the IAEA as keynote speakers, paper presenters and chair technical sessions.


This year, ICONS has successfully adopted a Ministerial Declaration which will guide the IAEA's nuclear security policy activities. In addition, the Declaration also reaffirms that each country has a fundamental obligation to control all nuclear and radioactive material under its control. Meanwhile, the IAEA is required to continue to play a central role in facilitating international cooperation on nuclear security.

Indonesia, which has supported the adoption of this Declaration, has ratified a number of key international instruments such as the Convention on Physical Protection on Nuclear Materials (CPPNM) and the International Convention on the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism (ICSANT). This is clear evidence of Indonesia's commitment and contribution to strengthening the global nuclear security architecture.


On the first day was a ministerial-level meeting session, where all countries present submitted national statements on the current status of nuclear security in the country. Indonesia ranked 49th in the delivery of the national statement. "Efforts to strengthen nuclear security must be carried out comprehensively, not only targeting nuclear materials for peaceful purposes, but also on nuclear materials for military and weapons purposes." This assertion was conveyed by Indonesian Ambassador Dr. Darmansjah Djumala in this session. In addition, at the end of his statement, Djumala who acted as the Chair of the Indonesian Delegation reminded that even though nuclear security is important, for Indonesia the right of each country to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes is a top priority that should not be impeded.



The Chairman of BAPETEN in the ICONS series of activities also had the opportunity to review facilities owned by the IAEA Incident and Emergency Center (IEC) office. (indah / bsb / bhkk)




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