The Implementation of Monitoring and Evaluation of the Performance of Public Service Providers (PEKPPP), DPFRZR Work Unit in 2022
Kembali 24 Agustus 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

The implementation of Monitoring and Evaluation of the Performance of Public Service Provider (PEKPPP) of DPFRZR Work Unit in 2022 by the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan-RB), was held on Wednesday, August 24 2022 at BAPETEN. The activity was carried out using online and offline methods. This activity was attended by a team of evaluators from Kemenpan-RB, Junaidi Sinaga and Vilda Adhania.

In the opening remarks the Director of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DPFRZR) Ishak said, "Thank you to Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform for choosing BAPETEN as one of the outputsto carry out the evaluation as the evaluation that has been running before and getting the A- predicate for 2 consecutive years, which will work harder to achieve A excellent service predicate, this effort has been made by perfecting through activities in building public services, especially in DPFRZR".


Furthermore, the material was presented by the Coordinator of the Health Facility Licensing Function Group Iin Indartati with the theme "Public Services of the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency", in her presentation explaining service policies, professionalism of human resources, facilities and infrastructure, public service information systems, consultations and complaints, and public service innovations.

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After the presentation was finished, it was continued with remarks and the implementation of field evaluations guided directly by the Kemenpan-RB evaluator team. Junaidi said "Kemenpan-RB plans for this evaluation not only to be carried out every year, but it is carried out because of the adjustment of the public evaluation instrument and this year it is done a little differently".

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"The evaluation aspects and principles itself come from the assessment of accountability, participation, fairness, transparency, effectiveness, and accessibility," he added.

The activity continued with a discussion session and was closed again by Ishak by expressing his gratitude and appreciation to the Kemenpan-RB evaluation team who had provided the results of the evaluation and their views, and hoped that follow-upand improvements public services could be improved immediately, especially in the DPFRZR unit. [BHKK/OR]

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