The 64th General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Kembali 24 September 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, the 64th annual meeting of the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (GC-IAEA) was held in Vienna - Austria on 21-25 September 2020, by imposing restriction arrangements, changing face-to-face formats and live streaming which is limited to delegates from 27 countries.

On Monday (21/09), the Ambassador of Morocco to Vienna Azzeddine Farhane, was elected to lead the 64th GC-IAEA. In his remarks, he stated “This year is an important phase for the IAEA in dealing with COVID-19, which of course will not be the last pandemic that threaten the world. Therefore, I have proposed the IAEA's Zoonotic Disease Integrated Action new project, known as ZODIAC, to establish a global network of national diagnostic laboratories for monitoring, surveillance, early detection and control of zoonotic diseases, using nuclear techniques".



The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Retno Marsudi, who was present virtually, conveyed important points that were emphasized by Indonesia at the meeting, namely that the IAEA must continue to guarantee global nuclear security and safety, including adapting to conduct inspections in this current mobility limitations. The second point is that the IAEA must continue to provide benefits to member countries by using nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, through technical cooperation programs. Meanwhile, the third point states that Indonesia appreciates IAEA's assistance to member countries during this pandemic, including supporting the IAEA's efforts to develop monitoring, detection and control mechanisms for the emergence of zoonotic diseases (diseases transmitted through animals, bacteria, and/or viruses).



The Side Event of the Senior Safety and Security Regulators' Meeting was opened by the Deputy Director General (DDG) of the IAEA Juan Carlos Lentijo, and acting as Chair is Dana Drabova, the Head of Nuclear Regulatory Authorities of Czech Republic. Speakers from several member countries gave explanations related to information and experiences in nuclear surveillance activities, especially in the field of nuclear safety and security during the Covid-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, the supervisory bodies of the member countries that gave presentation are United Kingdom, Pakistan, South Africa, Argentina, Mauritius, USA, and China. On this occasion, the IAEA also gave presentation related to the IAEA's activities in supporting member countries, especially during the pandemic period.



The BAPETEN delegation that participated in this meeting are the Chairman of BAPETEN Jazi Eko Istiyanto, Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Dahlia Cakrawati Sinaga, Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin, Plt. Deputy Chairman for Administration Indra Gunawan, and Head of the Center for Systems and Technology Supervision and Nuclear Material Monitoring (P2STPIBN) Yudi Pramono. [BHKK/Deni S/IS]




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