Technical Guidance on Licensing of Nuclear Power Sector Sub-sector of Utilization of Ionizing Radiation Sources for Licensing Officers of DPMPTSP, Health Office, Industry Office of South Sumatra Province
Kembali 08 Oktober 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

To improve licensing services for the utilization of ionizing radiation sources in the field of research and industrial facilities, the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN), through the Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DPFRZR), held Technical Guidance on Licensing of Nuclear Power Sector Sub-sector of Utilization of Ionizing Radiation Sources for Licensing Officers of DPMPTSP (Investment Office and One-Stop Integrated Service), Health Office, Industry Office of South Sumatra Province, in Palembang City on Tuesday, October 8, 2024. The Technical Guidance event was attended by 29 participants from DPMPTSP Regency/City in South Sumatra, Health Office, and Industry Office of South Sumatra Province.


The activity began with a speech by Ishak, Director of DPFRZR, who said that the purpose of this technical guidance was to increase the knowledge of all DPMPTSP of South Sumatra in serving community licensing related to the use of nuclear energy.


This activity was attended and opened by the Head of DPMPTSP of South Sumatra Province, Lusapta Yudha Kurnia. In his speech, Lusapta expressed his highest appreciation to BAPETEN for initiating this strategic forum and choosing South Sumatra as one of the locations for its implementation, which is expected to establish and build sustainable collaboration in providing licensing services in the nuclear energy sector. Then continued with a presentation session on the introduction of the DPMPTSP of South Sumatra Province regarding the "Licensing Service System for the Utilization of Ionizing Radiation Sources (SRP) in South Sumatra."

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Then the activity continued with a session of presentation of material from DPFRZR BAPETEN and discussion. The materials presented were "Introduction to Risk and Protection in the Utilization of Ionizing Radiation Sources" by Supriatno, "Introduction to the Utilization of Ionizing Radiation Sources in the Health, Industry, and Research Sectors" by Grace Esterina, "Ionizing Radiation Source Utilization Monitoring System" by Faisal, and "Integrated OSS-RBA Ionizing Radiation Source Utilization Licensing System" by Nugraha Dwi Santosa.

At the end of the activity, there was a post-test, and door prizes were distributed as a form of appreciation for the participants' participation. Furthermore, the activity was closed by Ishak with the highest gratitude and appreciation. "Hopefully this activity can help DPMPTSP and BAPETEN to be able to provide better services to the community," explained Ishak. [DPFRZR/GraceEsterina/BHKK/GP]


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