Technical Guidance for the Preparation of DUPAK
Kembali 27 Juli 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

Due to the large number of functional radiation supervisors who still do not understand the procedures for compiling the List of Proposed Credit Score Assessments (DUPAK), especially functionary who have just joined and functionary who occupy positions through the structural equalization. For this reason, the BAPETEN Education and Training Division organizes Technical Guidance for the Preparation of DUPAK for functionary of radiation supervisors on Tuesday, July 26, 2022.

Technical Guidance was opened by Plt. Chairman of BAPETEN Sugeng Sumbarjo, in his opening remarks conveyed a number of things, including the current basic capital of BAPETEN, activities and strategies during a pandemic, challenges, opportunities and problems facing BAPETEN, and the main functions of BAPETEN nationally.



He made an analogy of "BAPETEN as The Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) that regulates, implements, Enabler and Supervisor in national football. PSSI plays a very important role in creating a climate for football in Indonesia, as well as BAPETEN plays a very important role in creating a climate for nuclear industry and Research and Development in Indonesia. If supporting supervisory functions are available at the national level, BAPETEN will encourage existing institutions to grow and develop.”

Head of Education and Training Division Ahmad Ciptadi Syuryavin in his report said that the Technical Guidance will be carried out using the blended learning method for 3 days, will be attended by 20 participants and aims to provide knowledge and expertise for radiation supervisors functionary in preparing and compiling DUPAK according to applicable regulations.

On the first day, speakers from internal BAPETEN provided material related to Civil Servants (ASN) Development Policy through Functional Positions, Ethics for Functional Positions and Submission of DUPAK. On the second day, participants will receive guidance regarding the Technical Instructions for Credit Score Assessment functionary radiation supervisor and DUPAK Guidance. And on the last day, the participants will conduct the DUPAK Seminar.

It is expected, with this technical guidance for the preparation of DUPAK, participants can understand the technicalities of submitting DUPAK, be able to prepare evidence documents according to the provisions and be able to properly prepare DUPAK independently. [BDL /Rus/BHKK/SP].


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