Technical Guidance and On-the-Spot Licensing Services in Padang City
Kembali 24 Juli 2024 | Berita BAPETENThe Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN), through the Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DPFRZR), implemented Technical Guidance and On-the-Spot Licensing (OTSL) Licensing Services for the Utilization of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Facilities in Padang City, West Sumatra, on 23-24 July 2024. The activity held in the Hall of the West Sumatra Provincial Health Office aims to provide technical guidance and direct consultation to permit applicants regarding the Fulfillment of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Licensing Requirements that have been integrated through the Online Single Submission (OSS) with BALIS 2.5.
The implementation of the Accelerated Licensing Consultation Service was carried out by inviting 52 different agencies per day for hospitals, health centers, and clinics in the West Sumatra Province, parts of North Sumatra, South Sumatra, and Jambi whose permits had expired. In addition, it was also attended by the Hospital and Health Polytechnic Clinic, recipients of a portable X-ray machine grant for the Active Case Finding TBC activity, or TB screening, from the Ministry of Health. In addition, there were additional participants from other agencies who were undergoing the licensing process and needed to accelerate their licensing.
The activity began with an opening by the Director of DPFRZR, Ishak, who in his speech said that the technical guidance and licensing acceleration service activities were carried out in order to provide detailed explanations regarding licensing requirements, licensing process mechanisms, and licensing processes carried out online. It is hoped that this activity will be utilized properly so that all licensing problems can be resolved on that day or the next day and the permit can be issued. In accordance with laws and regulations, the entire licensing process is carried out online, from submission to issuance of permits; all are processed online and signed electronically in an integrated manner. All licensing processes are carried out transparently and accountably; each stage is recorded in the system.
Then the event continued with remarks from the head of the West Sumatra Provincial Health Office, represented by Saiful Jamal as the head of the Health Resources Division of the West Sumatra Provincial Health Office. In his remarks, he said, "There are several radiology services that have stopped and are not operating because they do not have a permit to use radiology equipment. So we enthusiastically welcome this licensing service to be carried out in the West Sumatra Province so that permit applicants can communicate directly and carry out licensing evaluations until the permit can be issued. The hope is that the process can run smoothly, guidance can be carried out intensively so that the permit can be issued today."
The event continued with a presentation by Ishak on Nuclear Energy Supervision Policy. At the end of the presentation session, there was a discussion and question-and-answer session for participants regarding the licensing process and regulations, then a licensing service session and direct consultation in the afternoon every day.
On the second day of the Consultation and Licensing Service for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Facilities, the activity began with a presentation of the material "Nuclear Energy Sector Business Licensing Mechanism" by Ahmad Maulana and continued with the material entitled "Criteria for Acceptance of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Licensing Requirements" by Herry Irawan. At the end of the presentation, a discussion and Q&A were held by participants related to the licensing requirements that had been presented.
The enthusiasm of the participants who took advantage of this activity was seen by consulting directly with the BAPETEN health facility licensing evaluator regarding the obstacles to the licensing process for the use of nuclear energy in the health sector, and the one-day permit service can be carried out if the requirements are met. [DPFRZR/Dwiangesti/BHKK/GP]
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