Technical Guidance and On The Spot Licensing Service in Mamuju City
Kembali 12 Agustus 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The Directorate of Licensing for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DPFRZR) of BAPETEN was held Technical Guidance and On The Spot Licensing (OTSL) Acceleration Services for the Utilization of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Facilities. The activity, which was held in the Hall of the West Sulawesi Provincial Health Office, aims to provide technical guidance and direct consultation services to Permit Applicants related to Fulfilling Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Licensing Requirements that have been integrated through Online Single Submission (OSS) with Balis 2.5.

The event began with the opening by the Deputy of Licensing and Inspection BAPETEN Zainal Arifin, in his opening remarks said “Participants who attend OTSL activities are not only from the Sulawesi Province region, but spread throughout the Republic of Indonesia such as Jambi, Maluku, Jakarta and other regions. The highest gratitude goes to the Head of the West Sulawesi Provincial Health Office for the facilities provided.”

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“OSS will start to be integrated in 2022 with BKPM, where licensing will become one stop system with the Ministry of Investment. All licensing in Indonesia changes its system with the OSS and the representative in the regions is the One-Stop Integrated Investment and Licensing Agency (DPMPTSP) in one-door licensing services. BAPETEN oversees the use of nuclear energy throughout Indonesia, be it nuclear for research, industry, health and nuclear energy,” he added.

Last year, West Sulawesi was an international route between Kalimantan and Sulawesi in nuclear transportation, we need to know about the routes in transportation because if something happens, the local hospital will be the reference, therefore we need to communicate with the local area. Hopefully this licensing service event will run smoothly and many licenses will be issued,” he explained.

The speech was continued by the Head of the West Sulawesi Provincial Health Office Asran Masdy, who said “We must ensure that every health facility that uses radiology technology has met strict licensing requirements and has competent experts.”

“This consultation and licensing service aims to provide a comprehensive understanding to health facility managers about licensing procedures and the importance of maintaining radiology equipment in accordance with applicable regulations. This is expected to improve the quality of health services in West Sulawesi,” he said.

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“With this activity, it is expected that all health facilities in West Sulawesi can comply with existing regulations and provide better and safer health services to the community,” he hoped.

“We are committed to continuously improving the quality of health services in West Sulawesi, and the use of safe and standardized radiology technology is an important part of these efforts” he concluded.

The event continued with a presentation on “Nuclear Energy Supervision Policy” by Zainal Arifin. At the end of the presentation session, a discussion and question and answer session was asked by the participants regarding the licensing process and permit requirements, then continued with a licensing service session and direct consultation at noon each day.

The implementation of consultation and licensing services was attended by representatives from 25 different agencies each day, especially for hospitals, health centers, and clinics whose licenses had expired, in the province of West Sulawesi, parts of North Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and South Sulawesi, as well as additional participants from Health Polytechnic Hospitals and Clinics who received Portable X-ray Aircraft grants for the benefit of Active Case Finding TB or TB screening activities from the Ministry of Health.

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On the second day, the activity began with a presentation on “Business Licensing Mechanism in the Nuclear Sector” by BAPETEN Radiation Supervisor Maradi Abdillah and on “Acceptance Criteria for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology License Requirements” by BAPETEN Radiation Supervisor Sulistiyoningsih. At the end of the presentation, discussions and questions and answers were held by the participants regarding the licensing requirements materials that had been submitted.

The enthusiastic attendance of the participants was utilized by consulting directly with the BAPETEN health facility licensing evaluator, on the obstacles to the licensing process for the utilization of nuclear energy in the health sector and the one-day permit issuance service can be carried out if the requirements were met. [DPFRZR/Dwiangesti/BHKK/SP]

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