Technical Development of Licensing System for Utilization of Ionizing Radiation Sources Integrated with OSS RBA System in Makassar, South Sulawesi
Kembali 13 September 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

Tuesday, September 13, 2022 BAPETEN held a Technical Development of Licensing System for Utilization of Ionizing Radiation Sources Integrated with OSS RBA System in Makassar, South Sulawesi.


The event was held in a hybrid manner and officially opened by Director of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DPFRZR) Ishak. On his remarks, "We routinely carry out this activity to provide opportunities for stakeholders or permit holders to interact directly to provide guidance and technical guidance in addition to online licensing services. We hope that the participants will use the available opportunities maximally and optimally so that after participating in this activity they no longer feel difficulties in applying for a license."

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In the Petik Test for the performance assessment of the Acceleration of Business Implementation (PPB) from the Ministry of Investment / BKPM 2021, BAPETEN received an award from the ministry of investment / BKPM as the 2nd place, and it is hoped that this year BAPETEN will again maintain and get a better rating. BAPETEN is also currently heading towards the integrity zone of the Clean and Serving Bureaucracy Area (WBBM) and participate in the government's efforts to eradicate corruption by implementing an Anti-Corruption Culture in the BAPETEN Environment, one form of implementation of which is by carrying out Gratification Control.

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The event continued with a presentation by Ishak with the theme "Development of a Licensing System for Utilization of Ionizing Radiation Sources" Then continued with a presentation "Risk Based Business Licensing, Risk Based Approach (RBA)" by the Investment and Services Agency One Stop Integrated Government (DPMPTSP), South Sulawesi Province represented by Saiful Haris, then by the Coordinator of the Licensing Function Group for Research and Industry Facilities Mukhlisin also conveyed about "Technical Licensing Provisions".

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The event was closed by Ishak who appreciated the event participants who were very enthusiastic and active, as well as appreciation to the heads of agencies who had assigned participants so they could take part in this event and also carried out "We also thank you for the suggestions and input given at this event and have filled in a survey which is a form of stakeholder engagement for us in reviewing the implementation of training programs or procedures and others to improve Radiation Facility Licensing services and Radioactive Substances to be better in a sustainable manner," said Ishak. (BHKK/CD/DPFRZR/sunarya)

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