Technical Development of Licensing System for Utilization of Integrated Ionizing Radiation Sources OSS RBA System in Surabaya
Kembali 07 Juni 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

The Directorate of Licensing for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Substances (DPFRZR) of BAPETEN again held Technical Guidance on the Licensing System for Utilization of Integrated Ionizing Radiation Sources in the OSS RBA System, on Tuesday (07/06) in Surabaya, where similar activities had previously been held in Balikpapan and Pekanbaru.

The Directorate of Licensing for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Substances (DPFRZR) of BAPETEN again held Technical Guidance on the Licensing System for Utilization of Integrated Ionizing Radiation Sources in the OSS RBA System, on Tuesday (07/06) in Surabaya, where similar activities had previously been held in Balikpapan and Pekanbaru.

The activity was opened by Plt. Chairman of BAPETEN, Sugeng Sumbarjo, who also delivered material related to the Supervisory Policy in BAPETEN and the Development of the Licensing System for the Utilization of Ionizing Radiation Sources.

The Head of Licensing Services for the Development and Economic Sector of the Investment and One Stop Service (DPMPTSP) East Java Province, Is Nugroho, who presented a presentation on Risk-Based OSS Licensing and Supervision.


The presentation was continued by the Director of DPFRZR Ishak, who delivered material on the Development of Licensing Systems for Utilizing Ionizing Radiation Sources. Ishak explained that BAPETEN has received the title of a Corruption Free Area (WBK) and is currently in the process of moving towards a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Region (WBBM).

The Coordinator of the Research and Industrial Facilities Licensing Function Group BAPETEN, Mukhlisin also delivered a presentation on the Technical Licensing Provisions.

Through this activity, the OSS-RBA Licensing Consultation Service by the Indonesian Ministry of Investment/BKPM was also held online. Participants were given the opportunity to directly Consult BAPETEN's Balis 2.5 Permit Application with the evaluator.


Participants enthusiastically asked questions during the discussion, question and answer sessions, both at the time when speakers finished their presentations, during the OOS-RBA licensing consultation service and at the licensing consultation event. Some participants have even prepared registration numbers for permit applications to be consulted. To enliven the event, the committee also held a quiz where the winner would receive a souvenir from BAPETEN.

In this coaching activity, the 2022 Bureaucratic Reform Assessment Survey was also carried out to assess perceptions of corruption and perceptions of service quality in accordance with Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Regulation Number 90 of 2021.

The event was well organized and implemented strict health protocols. Participants must show proof of vaccination from the Peduli Lindungi application. For participants who have not carried out vaccinations 2 and 3, they are required to bring evidence of an antigen test and/or PCR. In addition, participants must wear masks during the activity and keep their distance when communicating.


In the closing remark Ishak closing, appreciated the participants who attended this activity who were enthusiastically during and after this coaching.


“Even though this event has been closed, participants can still consult with the evaluators at other time, especially for licensing of radiation facilities and radioactive substances. This is in the context of BAPETEN prioritizing ease of doing business, improving licensing service standards and simplifying the licensing process while still paying attention to safety and security aspects," he said. (DPFRZR/Sunarya/BHKK/Bams/CD/RA).

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