Technical Development of Licensing System for Utilization of Integrated Ionizing Radiation Sources of RBA OSS System in Bandung, West Java
Kembali 09 Agustus 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN through the Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (DPFRZR) held a Technical Development for the Licensing System for the Utilization of Integrated Ionizing Radiation Sources of the RBA OSS System on Tuesday, 9 August 2022 in Bandung, West Java. This event also invited the Head of the Police Civic Office, represented by KomPol Berisky Perdana Gama Putra. This activity aims to provide information to business owners in the industrial sector regarding the implementation of an integrated licensing system through the RBA OSS system and provide guidance to business owners on fulfiling the licensing requirements for the use of integrated ionizing radiation sources of the RBA OSS system through Balis 2.5.

The activity was opened by the Deputy Chairman of Licensing and Inspection BAPETEN Zainal Arifin, in his remarks said "This activity is a dynamic change in the energy regulatory system, BAPETEN must ensure public safety, therefore every activity must synergize", and continued with a presentation with the theme "Supervision of Nuclear Energy Utilization of the OSS Era", in his presentation explaining the new regulations, new systems, new PNBP,KTUN licensing, inspection systems, nuclear technology and geospatial maps.



The event was continued with a presentation by the Director of DPFRZR Ishak, with the theme "Development of the Licensing System for the Use of Ionizing Radiation Sources", which in his presentation conveyed "Related to the current licensing system there have been very significant changes, both from the mechanism, time, process, and also the requirements implemented since the President of Republic Indonesia Joko Widodo mandated the need to carry out a reform process in terms of licensing aspects,and this reform process is expected to have a major impact related to the acceleration of efforts".



Furthermore, the presentation by KomPol Berisky Perdana Gama Putra from the CID with the theme "Law Enforcement in the field of Energy" which in his presentation conveyed "Business owners must pay more attention to legal aspects, because as law enforcement we will be committed to enforcement to avoid long-term effects that will occur".



After the presentation session ended, followed by a QnA session. In this guidance, BAPETEN also provides OSS-RBA Licensing Consultation Services of the Ministry of Investment / BKPM and Consultation on Balis Online 2.5 BAPETEN Permit Applications to Business Owners Agencies.


This coaching event was attended by 46 participants from representatives of business owners in the industrial sector. In this coaching activity, the 2022 Bureaucratic Reform Assessment Survey was also carried out to assess the perception of corruption and the perception of service quality in accordance with the RB Regulation Number 90 of 2021. [BHKK/OR/RA]


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