Supervision Guidance through Assistance in Reporting Patient Radiation Dose Data in South Tangerang
Kembali 26 Juli 2024 | Berita BAPETENThe Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN), through the Centre for Regulatory Assessment of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (P2STPFRZR), on July 24-26, 2024, is back to provide assistance services for reporting patient radiation dose data, this time in the South Tangerang City area, Banten. This assistance activity is an effort to provide guidance to holders of nuclear power utilization permits, especially in the health sector, so that they can commit to providing compliance in reporting patient radiation dose records to BAPETEN on a regular basis, in accordance with the mandate in BAPETEN Regulation No. 4 of 2020.
In this assistance, the TPD (Tingkat Panduan Diagnostik or Diagnostic Guideline Level) team led by the Head of the Health Assessment Working Team, Rusmanto, along with three members, namely Endang Kunarsih, Hermansyah, and Ida Bagus Gede Putra Pratama, visited Bina Medika Hospital, Mitra Keluarga Pamulang Hospital, Syarif Hidayatullah Hospital, Hermina Ciputat Hospital, and Columbia Asia BSD Hospital.
The TPD team provided direct guidance for the process of recording patient radiation dose data as well as the reporting process and assisted in providing radiation output data through direct measurements on the diagnostic modalities available at the facility. The day before the assistance activity for reporting patient radiation dose data in the South Tangerang area was carried out, the TPD team also provided assistance for reporting the dental panoramic radiography modality at Johar Baru Hospital, Jakarta.
In general, the results of direct identification to several hospitals obtained information that there are hospitals that already have patient dose data recordings and only need to report them to BAPETEN; some already have patient dose data recordings but are incomplete, such as lacking information on body weight and radiation distance; and there are also hospitals that have not recorded patient dose data at all. The results of this direct identification will be used as input in the implementation of further patient dose data reporting assistance.
Not only providing direct guidance, this assistance activity was also filled with discussions and questions and answers between the TPD team and the team from each health facility visited. The enthusiasm of each health facility team that received the visit was seen, with many questions and discussions related to various obstacles that have so far hampered the reporting of dose recordings, which can now be overcome directly through in-depth guidance so that it is easier for the team from each health facility to report doses. These facilities are also committed to routinely reporting patient radiation dose data to BAPETEN and applying various inputs obtained during the assistance. [BHKK/GP]
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