Submission of Detail Engineering Experimental Power Reactor Design
Kembali 30 Januari 2019 | Berita BAPETEN

As a follow up to the issuance of site permits for the construction of Experimental Power Reactors (RDE) by BAPETEN, on Monday 28/01/2019, at Building 80 Puspitek Serpong, the Detail Engineering Design (DED) documents second phase have been submitted by BATAN to BAPETEN.

The document was symbolically submitted by the Head of the Technology and Safety Center for Nuclear Reactor BATAN Geni Rina Sunaryo and received by the Director of BAPETEN Nuclear Material Licensing and Installation, Budi Rohman. The event was also attended by Deputy of Nuclear Energy Technology BATAN, Suryantoro, Head of Sub Directorate of Nuclear Materials and Reactor Licensing, Wiryono and BATAN Incorporate.


The purpose of the submission of the reactor DED document with a power of one-third of BATAN's biggest reactor is a certification from the regulatory body for the design that has been done. In the future it is expected that the design with 10 MWth (thermal) power can be increased to 150 MWth where the energy can be used for industrial interests, and can support government efforts in implementing 23% of electricity from new renewable energy in 2025, where the road map for commercial nuclear power plants is compiled by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. Thus said Suryantoro.


In terms of safety, RDE has high safety because of the 4th generation type of High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor where the fuel is wrapped in pebble whose where the melting point is higher than other types of NPP fuel.

The existence of RDE by involving BATAN, BAPETEN, BUMNs and Universities can create Indonesian human resources that are able to compete with human resources from other countries. The RDE design is designed with a local product content that reaches 80%. According to Geni Rina, when compared to similar reactor products from developed countries, RDE construction requires a quarter of funds lower than the price of products offered by vendors. This development fund will come from DIPA and non-DIPA in the form of research collaboration with Tsinghua University and INSINAS funding.

imgkontenBATAN has completed the conceptual design of RDE in 2015 and basic engineering design can be completed in 2017. BAPETEN issued site permits for the location of RDE development in Serpong on January 23, 2017. According to Budi Rohman, based on the applicable legislation, this site permit applies for four years since the permit was issued and must be renewed if during this time no RDE construction activities were carried out.


The application for DED design approval for phase I was submitted by BATAN on July 28, 2018. The DED document received by BAPETEN will be evaluated for a period of 18 months since BAPETEN stated that the submitted documents are complete without looking into the contents of the document. Furthermore, according to Wiryono, BAPETEN has experience in conducting RDE site evaluations.

Evaluation is carried out for 1 year 3 months from 5 years required by regulations. In conducting evaluations, BAPETEN also works with experts from other countries who have experience with similar reactors, through forums in the International Atomic Energy Agency, and involve experts from universities in Indonesia (dpibn/aa/bho/bsb).




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