South Tangerang Government: Declaration of Clearance Status Statement, In Perum Batan Indah, Serpong
Kembali 22 Oktober 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

The discovery of radioactive sources by the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN) in vacant land of Batan Indah, Setu Subdistrict, South Tangerang, which resulted in contamination of soil and vegetation in the land, on 30 January 2020, and the joint team of BATAN-BAPETEN has decontaminated through a clean-up process in the form of dredging contaminated soil.In addition to clean-up efforts, the team has also conducted samples of vegetation, groundwater, and Whole Body Counting (WBC) inspections of several residents around the site.

Final mapping results after remediation, on 11 September 2020, showed radiation exposure levels throughout the land area had returned to normal.Therefore, BAPETEN held a "Declaration of Clearance StatusStatement on radioactive sources contaminated in Batan Indah, Serpong", at the South Tangerang City Government Office, on 22 October 2020.The event was conducted offline and online to maintain health protocols related to Covid 19.

The event was started by reporting the Handling Status by the Plt. Director of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Zulkarnain with the reports "In general the value of environmental radiation exposure in the monitoring area in Batan Indah residential area, Serpong, indicates normal value (background exposure) especially in the neighborhood of the vacant land area next to the volleyball court block J, where the desert was found."



The event was continued by the Chaiman of BATAN Anhar Riza Antariksawan who said "Since the beginning of BAPETEN coordinated this, BATAN immediately formed a team for handling, and assisted also from the South Tangerang city government, KBR and other stakeholders.From the cleaning process there are 906 drums, among containing soil, PPE, tree pieces stored in PTLR-BATAN.Right now, we're setting up a new shelter, it's a valuable lesson that proves we can handle it well."

Further remarks by the Chaiman of BAPETEN Jazi Eko Istiyanto who delivered the "Declaration of the clearence status of Batan Indah" is an effort from the Government, especially BAPETEN in order to maintain the safety of the public and the environment from unwanted radiation hazards.As we know that some time ago the community in Serpong, especially in Batan Indah was horrified by the discovery of locations that have radiation exposure outside of reasonableness.This is known by BAPETEN personnel when monitoring radiation exposure around Serpong by using mobile detectors that have high sensitivity.The discovery of this case proves to all of us that equipment or technology plays a very important role in order to support the supervisory functions carried out by BAPETEN, in addition adequate human resource support also plays an important role”

The speech was continued by The Mayor of South Tangerang Airin Rachmi Diany, who said "The news that was initially very uproar, thought there was a leak from BATAN, and thanks God at this time all can be overcome. Hopefully there is always useful lesson learned".



The speech was delivered by the Minister of Research and Technology / Chairmanof BRIN Bambang P.S Brodjonegoro, who said "Today is certainly a pleasant day for the people of South Tangerang, especially the residents of Batan Indah with the completion of the cleaning process.Hopefully the detection of radioactive material at that time by BAPETEN is not a coincidence, although our surveillance tools are still limited.This is quite dangerous, if it can be like Covid 19 because it is not seen directly because it must be tested first using a new tool can be detected.Speaking of radioactive 2 E, Education and Enforcement although radioactive has many benefits, if misused such as waste is disposed carelessly there are certainly legal actions that must be enforced.Thank you to all personnel involved so that today we can declare clearance status.In the future we must increase vigilance and cooperation so that this does not happen again".

The event ended with "Declaration of Clearance StatusStatement, in Batan Indah" by the Chairman of BAPETEN accompanied by the Chairman of BATAN and Mayor of South Tangerang witnessed by the Minister of Research and Technology / Chairman of BRIN.

The event was closed with online Press Conference hosted by Public Communication Coordinator Abdul Qohar.The questions among them are asking for clearance certainty that as clean as before, and how the supervision in the future is answered by the Minister of Research and Technology / Chairman of BRIN.[BHKK/SP/RA/OR].




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