Soft Launching of B@lis Licensing for Nuclear Installations and Materials
Kembali 25 November 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN's Directorate of Licensing of Nuclear Installations and Materials (DPIBN) conducted a Soft Launching of the BAPETEN Licensing and Inspection System Online (B@lis) for licensing and installation of nuclear materials in Yogyakarta, Friday (25/11/2022). This license is named B@lis Licensing of Nuclear Installation and Nuclear Officer (B@lis L-NINO).

The event began with a report from the DPIBN Director Budi Rohman who said that the launch of this licensing system was an implementation of the Job Creation Law which requires facilitating risk-based business licensing. "This system will be integrated with internal systems such as B@lis 2.5, B@lis SMILE and B@lis PENDORA and with external systems such as SIMPONI owned by the Ministry of Finance," he added.

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After that, the event continued with the presentation of Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin, who said that an integrated licensing system like this is part of responding to increasingly advanced technological developments. "So it is expected that this full online licensing can also make it easier for licensee and support the Net Zero Emission goal in 2060 launched by the government," he said.

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Then continued with the direction of Plt. Chairman of BAPETEN Sugeng Sumbarjo explained that the launch of this system could increase user convenience and increase public satisfaction. "We invite stakeholders to this launch in the expectation that they can provide input so that we can develop this system together," he concluded.

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The event continued with a symbolic launch by hitting the gong by Plt. Chairman of BAPETEN Sugeng Sumbarjo. Then closed with a simulation of applying for a license and a discussion session with the invitees.[BHKK/Da/RA]

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