Socialization on Gratification and Prevention of Corruption Crimes
Kembali 22 April 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

In order to provide understanding and compliance with gratification report, as well as efforts to prevent corruption crimes to officials and employees, BAPETEN, in collaboration with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) held an online “Socialization on Gratification and Prevention of Corruption Crimes”, Thursday (22/04).

The event was opened by the Head of Inspectorate Hery Budi Santoso. In his opening remarks, Hery said, "This socialization is an effort to increase internalization to officials and staffs of BAPETEN so that they have an adequate understanding of gratification and efforts to prevent corruption as well as to improve the competence of the Gratification Control Unit (UPG) managers so that they have an adequate understanding regarding gratification control in BAPETEN".

The event, which was attended by 58 participants, was followed with presentation on “Socialization of Gratification Understanding” by Chrisna Adhitama from the Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring – Directorate of Gratification and Public Services. "Based on the Public Participation Survey on 2019, the most common form of corruption abuse in government institution, namely Gratification, ranks third with survey result of 19.9%, where the first form of corruption abuse is using authority for personal interests with the percentage of 26.2%", explained Chrisna.


Participants in the socialization consisted of high leaders and staffs of BAPETEN, BAPETEN UPG Team, RB Team from Licensing and Inspection (PI) unit, from RB Team Nuclear Safety Assessment (PKN) unit, RB Team from Executive Secretary unit, Integrity Zone Development Team of Directorate of Licensing for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (DPFRZR), Integrity Zone Development Team of Directorate of Licensing for Nuclear Installation and Materials (DPIBN), Integrity Zone Development Team of Directorate of nuclear Installation and Materials Regulation (DP2IBN), and APIPs. The participants who enthusiastically participated in this socialization were followed with very interactive discussion. Furthermore, the event was closed by the Head of Inspectorate who hoped that the participants could know and understand about gratification and its prevention. [INSP/IK/BHKK/IP/RA]


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