Socialization of the Role of Women and Mothers in Efforts to Prevent and Eradicate Corruption
Kembali 23 Desember 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

As part of the celebration of World Anti-Corruption Day (Hakordia) which also coincides with the celebration of Mother's Day, BAPETEN held an outreach activity with the theme "The Role of Women and Mothers in Efforts to Prevent and Eradicate Corruption" which was held on Friday, 23 December 2022.

The event began with a report from the Head of Inspectorate Hery B. Santoso, in his report conveying the purpose and objectives of this activity, namely to campaign for awareness of the world community about anti-corruption culture, which can be started from yourself and your family, and to give respect, attention and recognition of the importance the existence of women in various development sectors and support the creation of good and clean government, including through efforts to prevent and eradicate corruption.



The event was opened by the Plt. Chairman of BAPETEN Sugeng Sumbarjo, in his opening remarks saying "he strongly supports the holding of this activity, and conveys the values of ASN BAPETEN namely AMPUH (Trustful, Independent, Caring, Excellent, Harmonious) as the core values of ASN BAPETEN.

The key source persons at this event included the Director of Socialization and Anti-Corruption Campaign of the KPK Amir Arief, Representative from the Deputy for Investigation BPKP Diani Fitri, Representative from the Deputy for Formulation of Gender Equality Policy of the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Muhammad Ihsan.


The event was attended by all Board of Directors and members of the BAPETEN Association Dharma Wanita, BAPETEN employees, Dharma Wanita Representatives from 9 Ministries/Institutions including the Ministry of PPPA, the National Counterterrorism Agency, the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the National Commission on Human Rights, the Cyber Crypto Agency State and National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia. [Inspectorate/Gorby Virgory Aldhi/BHKK/SP]

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