Socialization of the “Call for Candidate” for the 2025 Patient Dose Reporting Compliance Assessment and Diagnostic Reference Level (DRL) Implementation
Kembali 07 Maret 2025 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN is calling on healthcare facilities (call for candidates) to participate in the Patient Dose Reporting Compliance Assessment and Diagnostic Reference Level (DRL) Implementation, which will take place from March 5 to July 30, 2025. In line with this event, BAPETEN, through the Center for Regulatory Assesment Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (P2STPFRZR), will hold a socialization session for the “Call for Candidate” on Friday, March 7, 2025. This initiative is part of the 2025 assessment of patient radiation dose reporting compliance and DRL implementation for hospitals or clinics using ionizing radiation sources across Indonesia.

DRL (Diagnostic Reference Level) is a radiation dose value or radiopharmaceutical activity administered to patients during diagnostic and interventional radiology (RDI) and nuclear medicine diagnostics (KND) examinations. The primary data for establishing the national DRL comes from patient radiation dose data reported by healthcare facilities to BAPETEN through the Patient Dose Data Information System (Si-INTAN), as mandated by BAPETEN Regulation (Perbapeten) Number 4 of 2020. Based on this data, Indonesia currently has established DRLs for general radiography, CT scans, fluoroscopy, mammography, dental radiography, and diagnostic nuclear medicine.


In his opening remarks, Rusmanto, the Team Leader of the Health Assessment Function Group at BAPETEN, stated, “This activity is based on the fact that Indonesia’s DRL must be used as an effort to optimize radiation protection for patients (medical exposure) as mandated by Government Regulation (PP) Number 45 of 2023 and BAPETEN Regulation (Perbapeten) Number 4 of 2020. Additionally, it encourages healthcare facilities to report regularly and accurately to BAPETEN, as we will include this in the BAPETEN Awards.”



This online socialization event was attended by 100 participants from healthcare facilities, including hospitals and clinics, offering diagnostic radiology services (general/mobile radiography, CT scans, mammography, dental radiography), interventional radiology (interventional fluoroscopy), and diagnostic nuclear medicine.

During the session, Endang Kunarsih, Senior Radiation Supervisor from the Regulatory Assesment Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (P2STPFRZR), delivered a presentation outlining the activity timeline, procedural details, participant criteria, and assessment indicators, followed by a Q&A discussion.


The event aims to identify the compliance of license holders in reporting patient doses and implementing DRL. Healthcare facilities demonstrating high compliance will receive certificates of appreciation as an effort to motivate active participation in patient radiation dose reporting to BAPETEN and to promote the optimization of patient radiation doses using Indonesia’s DRL (TPDI).

This activity is expected to enhance the optimization of DRL implementation in healthcare facilities, serve as a model for other facilities, and become a collaborative partner with BAPETEN in fostering efforts to improve patient radiation safety. (BHKK/CD/TranslatorNA)

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