Socialization of Permenpan RB No. 25 of 2020
Kembali 06 Mei 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

The Organization and Governance Section (Ortala) of Organization and General Services Bureau (BOU) held a Socialization of Permenpan RB No.25 of 2020 on the Bureaucratic Reform Roadmap 2020-2024, Thursday (06/05) online. This event presented speakers from the Ministry of Utilization of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan RB) and was also attended by Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment, Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection, Executive Secretary (Sestama), Coordinators (function groups) and representatives from work units at BAPETEN.


The event was opened by Head of BOU Dedik Eko Sumargo who explained that BAPETEN had drawn up a roadmap from 2020 using adopt and adaptation methods. Adopt means that the established rules are taken and enriched with the unique situation and conditions that BAPETEN has as a non-ministerial government agency engaged in the main task of nuclear energy supervision functions, and adaptation is comparing and seeking experience from institutions or ministries whose value is already excellent. In 2021 BAPETEN has prepared an action plan whose results will be included in the draft roadmap of RB BAPETEN 2020-2024 which must be completed because it will later be legalized in the form of the decree of the Chairman of BAPETENthat must be referred to and implemented in a careful manner by all work units. Dedik hopes that this socialization can increase understanding in the preparation of Bapeten roadmap 2020-2024 so that it can be determined to be a document that can be implemented.



Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin give a direction. Zainal said in the reform towards an advanced Indonesia certainly needs to hold reforms in various aspects. BAPETEN as a public servant is faced with the preparation of integrated licensing with risk-based licensing that will be implemented throughout Indonesia on 2 June 2021. Licensing and Inspection is incorporated in Online Single Submission (OSS) which requires readiness both on the IT side and regulation.



Furthermore, the submission of socialization materials by Assistant Deputy Chairman for Coordinating Policy Implementation and Evaluation of Bureaucratic Reform, Apparatus Accountability and Supervision II Mohammad Averrouce. The material presented is the Strategy of Accelerating Bureaucratic Reform, Collaboration and Contextualization which contains several materials including Bureaucratic Reform Policy, Expected Reform Conditions, Bureaucracy in the Future, Bureaucratic Reform Implementation Strategy 2020-2024, Institutional Management of National Bureaucracy Reform, Monitoring and Evaluation, Implementation of Bureaucratic Reform, Acceleration of Bureaucratic Reform Policy 2021 and Bureaucratic Reform Commitment. The event concluded with a discussion and a Q&A session. [BHKK/YL/OR/RA].

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