In order to support government programs regarding to saving Maritime Archives as a collective memory and identity of the Indonesian nation as a maritime country, BAPETEN carries out the identification of maritime archives processed by the Directorate of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness (DKKN).
The activity was held on Thursday, August 22, 2024 in the building A’s meeting room BAPETEN and opened by the Head of Protocol and Administration Kuspriyanto who was accompanied by Head of Sub-Directorate of Administration Trianto Setiawan and Head of Sub-Directorate of Administration of the Deputy for Nuclear Safety Assessment Rinasari, representatives from the DKKN work unit, namely Wita Kustiana and Fajariadi and BAPETEN Archivists.
The monitoring, data collection, assessment and verification of maritime archives were carried out by the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI) led by Chesar Dwi Nugroho Basuki, Associate Expert Archivist as the Head of the Thematic Archive Acquisition Team and accompanied by Nunung Kurnia Associate Expert Archivist, Yosep Nusantara Danang Saputra Junior Expert Archivist, Dimas Pratama Yuda First Expert Archivist, and Aurora First Expert Archivist.
At the opening, Kuspriyanto expressed his deepest gratitude for the opportunity from ANRI to be able to carry out the socialization and identification of maritime archives, where BAPETEN is included in 50 Ministries / Institutions that have maritime archives of the Republic of Indonesia.
And in remarks by Chesar Dwi Nugroho Basuki, it was stated that this socialization and monitoring activity to BAPETEN was a follow-up to the Maritime archive coordination meeting with Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment of Indonesia, which asked ANRI to make a Circular Letter regarding saving maritime archives. Therefore, the Chairman of ANRI issued SE number 4 of 2023 concerning the rescue of Maritime Archives to strengthen Indonesia's identity and identity as a Maritime State, based on Presidential Regulation Number 34 of 2022 concerning the Indonesian Maritime Policy Action plan for 2021 to 2025.
Then in the presentation by Mrs. Nunung Kurnia, M.AP mentioned that ANRI has 4 target points that are expected to be realized, namely:
- Understand the types of maritime archives
- Understand the Criteria for Maritime Static Archives that are submitted
- Understand the duties of archive creators and the duties of archival institutions
- Archive creators submit maritime static archives to the Archives Institution (ANRI).
The next presentation was delivered by Rinasari, which emphasized the duties and functions of BAPETEN, namely supervising the use of nuclear energy in Indonesia based on Article 14 of Law Number 10 of 1997 through regulations, licensing and inspections from the aspects of safety, security and safeguards, in order to provide a sense of security and tranquility for workers and the community, as well as protection of the environment. Then, especially for activities related to DKKN, namely efforts to deal with nuclear security issues by cooperating with related agencies in the field of radiation surveillance in Indonesian waters, including the installation of Radiation Portal Monitors (RPM) and Nuclear Security Front Line Officer (FLO) Guidance for HR on duty at the Port.
The initial result of this monitoring activity is that BAPETEN will propose maritime archives in the form of: 6 video archives (audio visual) and 60 document archives including MoUs, and SOPs on maritime affairs. (DKKN/gayatri/BHKK/CD)
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