Socialization of Implementation of Competency Certification for X-Ray Equipment Conformity Test Personnel 2024 and Introduction and Trial of Written Exam Module for Competency Certification of X-Ray Equipment Conformity Test Personnel with CAT System
Kembali 23 Februari 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

On February 23, 2024, the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN) through the Directorate of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness (DKKN) held a socialization on the implementation of X-ray Equipment Conformity Test Personnel Competency Certification and Introduction, as well as a trial of the written exam module for Personnel Competency Certification for X-Ray Equipment Conformity Testing using the Computer Assisted Test (CAT) system at Balis Workers in Jakarta.

This activity seeks to improve the quality of competency certification services for BAPETEN DKKN x-ray equipment suitability test personnel, allowing them to maintain standards and stages in accordance with the mandates of BAPETEN Regulation No. 2 of 2022 and BAPETEN Regulation No. 2 of 2018.

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Interim Director of DKKN Agus Yudhi, Coordinator of the Quality Assurance Function Group (KFJM) Rini Suryanti, representatives from the Bureau of Planning, Information, and Finance (BPIK) and Education and Training Division (BDL) BAPETEN, and representatives from the Nuclear Energy Testing Institute attended this activity. There were seven people offline and 35 people online.

The event was kicked off by KFJM Coordinator Rini Suryanti, who presented a report on the development of competency testing infrastructure for x-ray aircraft conformity test personnel and the development of application usage mechanisms that follow the most recent changes in statutory regulations, including the goal of obtaining ISO 17024 certification this year with the object of conformity test personnel competency certification of x-ray equipment.

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The meeting was then opened with instructions from Interim DKKN Director Agus Yudhi, who stated that using the CAT module to conduct competency tests has become a necessity and that by using this system, the quality of supervision and service can be maintained and improved.

Continuing with the next session, which is a socialization session on the results of the 2023 conformity test personnel competency certification and the delivery of information on activities for the 2024 conformity test personnel competency certificate, an introductory session was held, followed by a trial of the CAT application on the Balis Workers app. During this session, a lot of feedback was received on the use of the CAT system in the Balis Workers application. KFJM and BPIK will monitor all input from activity participants to improve the CAT system, so this system is expected to be used as intended.

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Rini Suryanti closed the meeting by expressing gratitude to the activity participants who had contributed their energy and thoughts in the context of developing this system, so that in 2024, it is hoped that the quality of suitability test personnel competency tests can be carried out optimally and according to the specified targets, namely that the CAT system will be used for the first time. A personnel competency certification exam will be administered during the first period of the suitability test, which begins in March 2024.


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