Socialization of Filling in the State Civil Apparatus Wealth Report (LHKASN) for Bapeten Employees
Kembali 24 Mei 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

The Bureau of Organization and General Services held a Socialization of Filling out the State Civil Apparatus Wealth Report (LHKASN) for BAPETEN’s New Employees, on Tuesday, 24 May 2022 in the Auditorium Room on the 8th Floor, Building B, BAPETEN, and online through a Zoom Meeting, attended by 45 participants.

The implementation of this activity in the context of implementing the Circular Letter of the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform Number 1 of 2015, in order to improve the quality of public services on an ongoing basis, it is necessary to evaluate the performance of public service providers.


The event, was held by the Human Resources Function Group of BAPETEN, presented speakers from the Ministry of State Apparatus Utilization and Bureautic Reform (PANRB), Herlyn Sukmawati. In her presentation, Herlyn said that LHKASN is a document for submitting a list of ASN assets owned and controlled as a form of transparency of the state civil apparatus. The filling of the LHKASN can prevent corruption, collusion, and nepotism, prevent abuse of authority, establish transparency of the state civil apparatus, and strengthen the integrity of the state civil apparatus.


LHKASN is also one of the supporting items of the assessment of bureaucratic reforms of the institution. The results of the performance evaluation of public service providers are used to improve the quality of public services and to produce public service innovations towards the creation of excellent service.


To support the orderly implementation of LHKASN filling for employees within BAPETEN, Bapeten’s Regulation No 1 of 2021 concerning Reporting of Assets of State Operators and ASNs in the BAPETEN Environment. With the orderly filling of LHKASN in the BAPETEN Environment, it is hoped that the realization of better governance, public services that are increasingly qualified and trusted, and can increase the bureaucratic reform assessment index. [BHKK/OR/RA]

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