Signing the Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation Agreement between BAPETEN and Sebelas Maret University
Kembali 17 Juni 2021 | Berita BAPETENBAPETEN signed an extension from the Memorandum of Understanding with Sebelas Maret University (UNS), Thursday (17/06), entitled Education, Research, and Community Service in the Field of Nuclear Supervision. This memorandum of understanding was signed directly by Chairman of Bapeten Jazi Eko Istiyanto and UNS Rector Jamal Wiwoho, and accompanied by Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin, Head of Center for Regulatory Assessment of Nuclear Installation and Materials (P2STPIBN) Judi Pramono, Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation, Business and Information UNS Sajidan, and Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UNS Harjana.
The Rector of UNS, Jamal stated that with a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between BAPETEN and UNS, will benefit for the development of UNS in the future and hope not only signed, but there are real activities from this Memorandum of Understanding and PKS.
This was also expressed by the Chairman of Bapeten, he said that this signing is a high commitment from BAPETEN and UNS involved to continue the collaboration in improving the quality of nuclear supervision in Indonesia.
This Memorandum of Understanding aims to establish mutually supportive cooperation in improving the safety, security, communities, and protection of the environment from the dangers of radiation and radioactive contamination by utilizing the resources we have for the common advancement, nation and country. This is a form of joint dedication to develop the effectiveness of supervision in the field of electricity through education, research, and community service.
On this occasion, P2STPIBN and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UNS signed a PKS with the title of Assessment, Development, and Application of Science and Technology in the Field of Radiation and Nuclear Safety. PKS was signed directly by the Head of P2STPIBN and the Dean of FMIPA. Through the signing of this PKS, we hope that the cooperation can continue to run, even towards a better direction in the future.
The signing was made in Courtroom II dr. Prakosa UNS Building, stamp was also witnessed by the Head of Bureau of Law, Cooperation, and Public Communication Indra Gunawan, Director of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources Ishak, Vice Rector of Academic and Student Affairs-UNS Ahmad Yunus, Vice Rector General and Human Resources-UNS Bandi, Vice Rector of Research and Innovation-UNS Kuncoro Diharjo, and others. [BHKK/IP/OR/RA]
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