Signing of the Integrity Pact within the Directorate of Inspection of Nuclear Installation and Materials
Kembali 10 Januari 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The Directorate of Inspection of Nuclear Installation and Materials (DIIBN) held a symbolic signing of the Integrity Pact, which was witnessed directly by Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection of BAPETEN, Zainal Arifin, on January 10, 2024. Previously, all DIIBN staff had signed the Integrity Pact on January 3, 2024.

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The Integrity Pact contains a statement regarding the commitment of DIIBN staff to carrying out their duties, which contains:

1. Take an active role in preventing and eliminating corruption, collusion, and nepotism, and refrain from engaging in disgraceful acts;

2. Do not request or accept gifts directly or indirectly in the form of bribes, gifts, favors, or other forms that do not comply with applicable regulations;

3. Be transparent, honest, objective, and accountable when carrying out tasks;

4. To avoid conflicts of interest when carrying out tasks, including the use of attributes other than BAPETEN's attributes;

5. To comply with applicable laws and regulations in carrying out duties, including disciplinary provisions and working hours determined by the DIIBN;

6. Convey information on integrity violations at the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency and assist in maintaining the confidentiality of witnesses regarding reported violations of regulations;

7. To achieve the performance agreement targets, and

8. If I violate the rules outlined above, I am prepared to face the consequences.

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It is hoped that signing this Integrity Pact will ensure the integrity of all DIIBN employees in carrying out all activities. On this occasion, the Deputy for Licensing and Inspection also provided guidance on the performance assessment for the fiscal year 2024 as well as the flexible working arrangements at DIIBN. [DIIBN/Setiawan/BHKK/Da/GP]

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