Regulation on The Construction of Facilities and Radioactive Sources with Stakeholders in Palangkaraya
Kembali 29 April 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

Directorate of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources Regulation (DP2FRZR) held a development activity in the field of nuclear energy and radioactive sources with stakeholders in Palangkaraya, Central Kalimatan, on Thursday (04/29/21), to provide socialization related to regulations that have been completed by BAPETEN and have been enacted by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in the last few years.

This activity aims to provide knowledge and understanding to stakeholders that the regulation can be understood and easy to implement. The coaching activities become one of the important stages in the process of drafting regulation.


The event was attended by representatives from management or radiation protection officers and radiation workers related to the utilization of nuclear energy in the health sector, from 60 health agencies / facilities in Central Kalimantan, South Kalimantan and North Kalimantan. Although the meeting is held offline and online with apply 3M health protocol, wash hands, keep distance and still use a mask.


This development focuses on Government Regulation (PP) No. 5 year 2021 concerning The Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing of the Nuclear Energy Sector and Regulation of the Bapeten’s Regulation No. 4 year 2020 on Radiation Safety in the Use of X-Ray Aircraft in Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology.

In the opening, Soegeng Rahadhy who represents the Director of DP2FRZR, said that the coaching activity is one of the forms of activities carried out by Bapeten to disseminate regulations that have been made, especially in the field of nuclear energy. It is expected that the information obtained can be forwarded to colleagues in their respective agencies.


Head of Central Kalimantan Health Department, Suyuti Syamsul gave a speech followed by a presentation on Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Services at Fasyankes. Suyuti reported that Central Kalimantan has 26 hospitals. To the participants who attended Suyuti reminded that all rules are met to ensure safety.

In the presentation, Suyuti said that class C and D health facility permits are issued by the District /City Government so that the construction is the responsibility of the district/city government, while for class B by the Provincial Government. There are currently 3 B-class hospitals in Central Kalimantan. License of diagnostic and interventional radiology services can be issued by the Provincial Health Department if it has permission from Bapeten. Suyuti also conveyed about the type of service and terms of diagnostic radiology services.

Presentation on PP No. 5 year 2021 concerning The Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing of The Nuclear Sector was delivered by the Coordinator of Health, Industry and Research Regulatory Functions, Soegeng Rahadhy, he explained about the mandate of regulations, systematics, norms and criteria, supervision, sanctions, and challenges faced with the issuance of PP No.5 year 2021 related to the nuclear energy sector. Licensing seeks nuclear energy sector based on PP No.5 year 2021, covering the utilization of ionizing radiation sources, nuclear installations and nuclear materials, mining nuclear digs, supporting the nuclear energy sector.


In the discussion session, some participants gave questions and feedback, both offline and online. Among these questions regarding dose limiting, the provision of a room should not be 2 (two) or more X-ray aircraft operated simultaneously, room size and wall thickness, medical exposure guidance levels, health monitoring, and protection programs related to room design.

Before the closing, participants are asked to fill out an activity evaluation questionnaire to improve this coaching activity in the future. Participants also given an e-certificate as an appreciation of their presence in this coaching activity.(DP2FRZR/Vatima/BHKK/Bams/OR/RA)

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