Refreshment of Level 2 Industrial Radiation Protection Officer
Kembali 26 Oktober 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

The Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (DPFRZR) BAPETEN held a Refreshment of Level 2 Industrial Radiation Protection Officers (PPR) with the theme "Surveillance Collaboration with Nuclear Energy Officers to Build Public Trust", on 26 - 28 October 2022 in Jakarta.

The use of ionizing radiation sources has the obligation to implement radiation protection and safety requirements, including the obligation to have a PPR that has a work permit, to ensure that PPR is competent to be in charge of helping permit holders meet the radiation protection and safety requirements have been applied. During the validity period of the work permit, PPR is required to follow the PPR refreshment as an effort to maintain its competence and the condition of extending the validity period of the work permit.

imgkontenimgkontenThis PPR refreshment was opened by Ida Bagus Manuaba as the Coordinator of Radiation Facility Officer Licensing representing the Director of DPFRZR BAPETEN on Wednesday, 26 October 2022. Bagus said that the participation was a condition for permit renewal as stipulated in Bapeten Regulation Number 16 of 2014 concerning Licensing of Certain Officers.

imgkontenimgkonten"There is a minimum requirement that you must follow the refresher once during the validity period of the permit. If it has passed, it must take the re-examination, and if it has passed for 2 years, it must take retraining," he said.

Good hopes, through this Level 2 Industrial PPR Refreshment it can upgrade PPR knowledge. "What they got during the previous training can be reminded again, in addition to new material such as regulatory policies, licensing policies which were not conveyed during the training, this can also be the latest information for the participants of this level 2 Industrial PPR refreshment," explained Bagus.

"Another hope of this refreshment activity is the establishment of communication between fellow PPR and also the establishment of communication between PPR as an extension of BAPETEN, where PPR is an internal supervisor in their respective places, and also inspectors who are also teachers from BAPETEN as external supervisors," he added.

imgkonten"The most expected thing is the establishment of a community, where we encourage PPR to communicate with each other to form a WA group in order to communicate with each other in order to share in dealing with various problems in the field and other problems related to administration". continued Bagus.

After opening the event, Bagus filled in material related to "The Development of Radiation Protection in the Utilization of Ionizing Radiation Sources." Through the delivery of this material, BAPETEN hopes that participants can apply the radiation protection provisions that apply in Indonesia and know the development of radiation safety standards.

Closing his presentation, Bagus emphasized two things "Permit holders are required to fulfil radiation protection and safety requirements. Furthermore, PPR as an internal supervisor is obliged to provide input to permit holders in implementing radiation protection in accordance with applicable regulations."

Present as a speaker was Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection BAPETEN Zainal Arifin who explained the importance of collaboration between BAPETEN as an institution and each PPR. "With collaboration, we can build together public trust in the safety of nuclear energy utilization in Indonesia. I hope we can all continue to collaborate," he added. (BHKK/Bams/Dens/OR/DA)

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