Radiotherapy License Verification of RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin and RSUP. Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou Manado
Kembali 12 Juli 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN's Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DPFRZR) conducted Radiotherapy Facility Verification at RSUD Ulin in Banjarmasin City and RSUP. Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou in Manado City in parallel on July 10-12, 2024. This activity aims to ensure that radiotherapy facilities are modified by adding and operating new aircraft modalities and declared safe for the safety of workers, patients, the public, and the environment.

In this activity, the Verification Team ensures that the design complies with safety standards by calculating the design of the radiation barrier building and that the leading equipment, supporting equipment, human resources, and operating procedures for these activities have met the requirements of radiation safety and source security.

The Verification Team was led by DPFRZR Director Ishak, with members Yaya Umaya, Maradi Abdilla and BTara Panjiweda Nisditya Pramana conducting verification at RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin for Radiotherapy Facilities with Brachytherapy Aircraft Brand Elekta Type Flexitron HDR with Co-60 source, as for the Hospital. Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado, the inspection team was led by Iin Indartati with members Roy Candra Primarsa, Sulistiyoningsih and Lilis Misnawati. The Radiotherapy Facility Verification activity uses the After-Loading Intracavitary Therapy Equipment Type GZP 3 brand Brachytherapy Aircraft with a Co-60 source.

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The onsite inspection scope includes document and technical inspection of the suitability of the design of the built facilities and the adequacy of the radiation barrier thickness of the radiotherapy bunker, ensuring the performance of the leading equipment and supporting equipment, measuring radiation exposure and dosimetry testing, ensuring patient flow and the ability of personnel to operate the Brachytherapy aircraft according to standards, checking radioactive source protection and security equipment and the performance of the radioactive source security system.

Based on the radiotherapy operating license verification results, the hospital is committed to completing the findings submitted by the BAPETEN team within a specific time limit. The smooth running of the verification activities was supported by the hospital, which followed and welcomed the activities until the end; any deficiencies were considered input and technical advice on fulfilling radiation safety by applicable regulations and standards.

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Meanwhile, the Director of Kandou Hospital, Ivonne Elisabeth Rotty, welcomed the inspection team from BAPETEN. The inspection team has evaluated ionizing radiation sources in hospitals, including radiotherapy, diagnostic radiology, and interventional at Kandou Hospital.

“We give tremendous appreciation for the activities of BAPETEN. This inspection is part of their supervisory duties to ensure the safe use of radiation in health facilities, and we are grateful that RSUP Kandou, after verifying the results, is meeting radiation safety standards.”

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“Hopefully, the inspection results will improve radiation safety and quality of service at Kandou Hospital,” he concluded. Also present was Director of Operational Services Wega Sukanto.”


RSUD Ulin, as a referral hospital in South Kalimantan Province, receives many referral patients from Central Kalimantan Province. So it is expected that adding radiotherapy service facilities using Brachytherapy will further improve the full service of RSUD Ulin, which is oriented towards the needs and safety of patients, quality and affordable by all levels of society, especially in helping the healing process of cancer patients. [DPFRZR/Dwiangesti/BHKK/OR/Da]

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