Radiotherapy License Verification of RSUD Dr. Soedarso Pontianak and RSU Santo Borromeus
Kembali 23 Agustus 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

Verification activities at Radiotherapy Facilities aim to ensure that modifications to radiotherapy facilities with the addition and operation of new aircraft modalities are safe for the safety of workers, patients, the community and the environment. For this reason, the Directorate of Licensing for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DPFRZR) of BAPETEN conducted Radiotherapy Facility Verification activities, for the radiotherapy operating licenses of Dr. Soedarso Hospital, in Pontianak City and Santo Borromeus Hospital, in Bandung City, in parallel, on August 21-23, 2024.

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The Verification Team ensured that the designs built were in accordance with safety standards through the calculation of the design of the radiation barrier building and the main equipment, supporting equipment, human resources, and operating procedures for these activities had met the requirements of radiation safety and source security.

Verification at Santo Borromeus Hospital, Bandung, the Inspection Team was chaired by the Director DPFRZR Ishak with members of the BAPETEN Radiation Supervisory team Ahmad Maulana, Ilham Hidayat and Sulistiyoningsih. Verifying Radiotherapy Facilities with Brachytherapy Aircraft Brand Bebig Saginova Type HDR Afterloading System with Co-60 source.

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Meanwhile, verification at Dr. Soedarso Hospital, Pontianak, the Inspection Team was chaired by the Activity Manager of the Health Facility Licensing Function Group (DPFRZR) BAPETEN Iin Indartati with members of BAPETEN Radiation Supervisors Roy Candra Primarsa, Made Pramayuni and Maradi Abdillah. Verifying Radiotherapy Facilities with Brachytherapy Aircraft brand Bebig Saginova Type HDR Afterloading System with Co-60 source.

The scope of the onsite inspection includes document and technical inspection of the suitability of the design of the built facility and the adequacy of the radiation barrier thickness of the radiotherapy bunker, ensuring the performance of the main equipment and supporting equipment, measuring radiation exposure and dosimetry testing, ensuring patient flow and the ability of personnel to operate the Brachytherapy aircraft according to standards, checking radioactive source protection and security equipment and the performance of the radioactive source security system.

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From the results of the verification of the radiotherapy operating license, the Hospital is committed to completing the findings submitted by the BAPETEN team within a certain time limit. The smoothness of the verification activities is supported by the Hospital which follows and welcomes the course of activities until the end, any deficiencies are considered as input and technical advice on the fulfillment of radiation safety in accordance with applicable regulations and standards.

The addition of facilities in Radiotherapy, namely the Brachytherapy aircraft at Dr. Soedarso Hospital, Pontianak, is expected to help cancer patients in need so as to reduce the queue of cancer patients and reduce costs, because patients do not need to be referred to hospitals outside West Kalimantan. [DPFRZR/Dwiangesti/BHKK/SP]

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