Radiotherapy License Verification at H. Adam Malik Hospital
Kembali 29 Agustus 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials of BAPETEN conducted an onsite Radiotherapy Operation Permit Verification activity at H. Adam Malik Hospital, Medan City, on August 25-26, 2022. This is a re-verification that was previously carried out in May 2022. Verification as a condition of license issuance aims to ensure that facilities, radiotherapy equipment, supporting equipment, human resources, and procedures have met radiation safety requirements for the safety of workers, patients, the community and the environment.


The Inspection Team, chaired by the Coordinator of the Health Facility Licensing Group-BAPETEN Iin Indartati with members of the BAPETEN Radiation Supervisor Ahmad Maulana (Junior Inspector) and Made Pramayuni (Junior Inspector), verified the modality of the Elekta Synergy type Linac Aircraft. The Inspection Team was well received by the management of RSUP H. Adam Malik, welcome and assistance during field verification activities carried out by the Radiotherapy Team. The implementation of field verification is carried out with Health protocols according to government recommendations.

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The scope of the onsite inspection includes the suitability of the built facility design and the adequacy of the radiation barrier thickness of the radiotherapy bunker, ensuring the performance of the main equipment and supporting equipment, measuring radiation exposure and dosimetry testing and ensuring patient flow and the ability of personnel to operate the Linac aircraft according to standards.


From the results of the radiotherapy operating license verification, the Hospital is committed to completing the findings submitted by the BAPETEN team within a certain time limit. The smoothness of the verification activities is supported by the Hospital who follows the course of the activity until the end, any deficiencies are considered as input and technical advice on the fulfillment of radiation safety in accordance with applicable regulations and standards. [DPFRZR/Dwiang/BHKK/SP]

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