Radiation Protection and Safety Training
Kembali 17 Mei 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

In order to provide an understanding of radiation and the basics of radiation protection and safety in supporting employees to carry out the task of supervising the use of nuclear energy, the Education and Training Division (BDL) held a Radiation Protection and Safety Training from 17-23 May 2022.

The training was opened this morning, Tuesday (17/5) by the Head of Education and Training Division Ahmad Ciptadi Syuryavin and intended for new BAPETEN employees, to provide an understanding from radiation and the basics of radiation protection and safety in supporting the implementation of the task of supervising the use of nuclear energy.

The event began with an activity report by Ummul Khair as the Sub-Coordinator of implementation and training facilities. Ummul said that the Radiation Protection and Safety Training was attended by 27 participants of the new BAPETEN employees.



Ummul explained that this training must be attended by all BAPETEN employees because it is a basic knowledge that must be possessed and known by Bapeten’s employees

Meanwhile, Ciptadi said that this training was the first training to be carried out completely offline, but nevertheless we still have to maintain health protocols.

Ciptadi conveyed that this training is one of the mandatory basic trainings that must be followed by BAPETEN’s employees, especially for new employees. "Because all new employees must know, even though they work in non-technical fields, such as in the finance department, so we must understand what BAPETEN is and what it is responsible for," he said.



"This training is the most important main training for an employee in BAPETEN, not only in Indonesia but also in other countries in a supervisory agency and should be a basic competency for all these employees," he added.

Ciptadi hopes participants can know many things related to the general policies and duties of BAPETEN and in general, especially related to energy supervision, radiation protection and anything that must be known and informed to the public.

"With the completion of this training, it is hoped that friends can communicate well to the community regarding their duties," he concluded.

The first session was filled with material on the Energy Supervision Policy by the Head of Education and Training Division. The next session will be filled with several materials including: IAEA General Safety Requirement Part 3, Basic Radiation Physics, Effects of Radiation Biology, Basic Radiation Protection, Radiation Protection and Safety in Nuclear Installations and several other materials. (BHKK/Bams/OR)

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