Radiation Protection and Safety Matters to Radiation Workers
Kembali 07 November 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

As an implementation of Government Regulation No. 33 of 2007 concerning Safety of Ionizing Radiation and Safety of Radioactive Sources which states that Permit Holders are required to improve the ability of personnel working in facilities or installations through education and training on radiation protection and safety.

In order to realize the implementation of the regulation, BAPETEN held the 4th Radiation Protection and Safety Training (PKR) offline on 7 – 11 November 2022, to conduct coaching for Permit Holders through the development of Human Resources in the field of radiation safety.



Through this training, BAPETEN will provide understanding to participants regarding the impact of radiation that can occur in the use of radiation in interventional radiology activities, provide a basic understanding of radiation protection, and foster a culture of safety, especially for specialist doctors and interventional radiology health workers.

The event began with an activity report by Rizal Anggabrata as Sub Coordinator of the Training Committee. In his report, Rizal said that the 4th PKR Training was attended by 29 participants consisting of 12 doctors and 17 nurses and radiation workers.

The PKR Batch 4 training was opened by the Sub-Coordinator of Implementation and Training Facilities BAPETEN Umul Khair who represented the Head of Education and Training Division. Umul explained the benefits of this training and what materials will be received by participants.

Delivered by Umul, the purpose of this training is to provide knowledge about radiation, the basics of radiation protection and safety and its application in supporting radiation workers to carry out services in intervention facilities.


"PKR training is needed by all workers in environments or facilities that have radiation sources. In this training participants will learn how to improve safety related to radiation sources. We hope that the knowledge that will be given by the speakers can be accepted and understood," explained Umul.


Meanwhile, Head of Education and Training Division Ahmad Ciptadi Syuryavin will deliver material on Radiation Protection and Safety Policy through zoom media at this training.

The training which lasted for 5 (five) days was filled with material, practicum and discussions related to problems faced by participants in the field, and continued with independent learning. (BDL/Rusmiati/BHKK/Bams/OR/RA)

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