Public Consultation on The Preparation from The Urgency of BAPETEN’s Draft Regulation on Radiation Safety in the Use of Baggage Fluoroscopy / Baggage Scanner in DI Yogyakarta Province
Kembali 23 September 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN through the Directorate of Regulationn of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (DP2FRZR) held a Public Consultation in order to prepare the urgency text of BAPETEN's Draft Regulation on Radiation Safety in the Use of Baggage Fluoroscopy / Baggage Scanner in DI Yogyakarta on 23 September 2021 conducted online and offline. Public Consultation invites parties from government and agencies, including correctional institutions, police, Angkasa Pura, hotels, and office buildings that use luggage fluoroscopy / baggage scanners.

The event was opened by the Director of DP2FRZR Djoko Hari Nugroho, he said that there are currently no Bapeten’s regulations governing radiation safety in the use of luggage fluoroscopy. Before making legislation, it takes a stage of analysis from the application of regulations or commonly called Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) to review appropriate legal products, in the form of policies, laws and regulations taking into account many aspects including safety, social, economic and environmental aspects.


The activity continued with the general exposure related to the application of radiation protection on the use of luggage fluoroscopy / baggage scanner by Coordinator of Health, Industrial and Research Regulatory Function Group Soegeng Rahadhy. Then Dwiharjo Rushartono conveyed the results of the survey and the preparation of the urgency text of Bapeten's draft regulation on radiation safety in the use of luggage fluoroscopy / baggage scanner.


During the activity, participants asked many questions related to the application of radiation protection principles needed in operating luggage fluoroscopy equipment, worker dose monitoring, health monitoring, engineering requirements and how the police also carry out duties and functions in the assistance of security systems to prison and public buildings that use luggage scanner equipment or body scanners. From the results of the discussion, there is a proposal from Angkasa Pura to be able to ensure the sources of Bapeten's arrangements related to baggage fluoroscopy with the Ministry of Transportation.


This Public Consultation was closed by the Director of DP2FRZR, he hoped that input and improvement from stakeholders can be considered for the preparation of policies / regulations related to the safety of fluoroscopic radiation baggage. So that in the end it can be used and answer the problems that have existed so far in the field. [Asiah/DP2FRZR/BHKK/RA/OR].

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