Public Consultation on Preparing the Urgency Script to Revision of the BAPETEN’s Chairman Regulation No. 6/2015 on Safety of Radioactive Source Safety
Kembali 15 September 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN's Directorate for Regulation of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DP2FRZR) held a Public Consultation (KP) on Preparing the Urgency Script to Revision of the BAPETEN’s Chairman Regulation No. 6/2015 on Safety of Radioactive Source Safety on September 14, 2022, in Malang. This activity was carried out to realize the principle of information disclosure in the process of drafting laws and regulations as well as a medium for gathering input from relevant stakeholders.

In his remarks Plt. Director DP2FRZR Aris Sanyoto said that the use of radioactive sources is numerous and spread across Indonesia for various purposes, both in the industrial, research and medical fields. Besides getting many benefits, the use of radioactive sources has potential risks from the aspects of health, human safety, the environment or society.

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"This public consultation activity is part of revision series to the BAPETEN’s Chairman Regulation on radioactive sources safety. All forms of input provided will be very useful for the preparation of more implementable regulation. How to manage security aspects so as not to burden users, while ensuring that security aspects are guaranteed. So that BAPETEN regulations will be obtained which are truly able to be applied but still prioritize safety and security aspects," he added.

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The event was held in a hybrid method, inviting around 25 agencies to attend offline and 217 agencies online from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), medical facilities, industrial facilities, and practitioners who use radioactive materials.

Presentation on the Policy Direction of Security Aspects in the Nuclear Energy Utilization was delivered by Plt. Director DP2FRZR Aris Sanyoto, he stated “The safety aspect is an important issue at this time. The abuse of radioactive sources is very worrying. Then a revision of the BAPETEN’s Chairman Regulation on Radioactive Sources Safety will be carried out. Likewise, Perba No. 3/2021 changes the nomenclature of radioactive sources to radioactive materials.

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The next presentation was delivered by Nanang Triagung Edi Hermawan. In his presentation, he conveyed that BAPETEN’s Chairman Regulation No. 6/2015 urgently needed to be revised regarding developments in international standards, dynamics of security threats, and changes in related laws and regulations. The revision is based on the results of a poll, the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA), and the urgency script.

In the discussion session, the participants were enthusiastic to provide input and feedback. In general, the participants supported the urgency of revising BAPETEN’s Chairman Regulation on Radioactive Source Safety. Where PKSR personnel are needed who have SIB such as PPR. There needs to be routine PKSR training in refreshing requalifications for the PKSR SIB extension requirements.

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This series of public consultation activities were followed by a field visit on September 15 2022 to PT. Dalut Nusantara Baru, where the industrial radiography camera storage bunker is located in Gresik, East Java. This visit was to see the implementation of BAPETEN’s Chairman Regulation No. 6/2015 on Radioactive Sources Safety in the field before revision is carried out as well as input or suggestions for the implementation of regulation No. 3/2021 on Standards for Business Activities and Product Standards in the Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing for the Nuclear Sector. [DP2FRZR/Wawan Susanto/BHKK/YL/Da/RA].

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