Public Consultation on Legislation in the Field of Nuclear Installation and Materials in Yogyakarta
Kembali 15 Juli 2019 | Berita BAPETEN

Located in Yogyakarta, the Directorate of Nuclear Installation and Material Control (DP2IBN) held a public consultation activity on legislation in the field of nuclear installations and materials (Thursday, July 11, 2019), which was attended by 38 participants, who were representatives of nuclear technology applications. Nuclear installations and materials (IBN) and fields of radiation and radioactive materials (FRZR) in the Yogyakarta region.

Public consultation activities are carried out as part of drafting legislation as mandated by Law No. 12 of 2011 concerning Establishment of Legislation, concerning community participation and is intended to obtain input both verbally and in writing from the community and related stakeholders.

At the public consultation this time it focused on the draft BAPETEN regulation on the revision of BAPETEN Regulation on Facility Management Systems and Nuclear Energy Utilization Activities (revised Regulation of BAPETEN No. 4 of 2010).


In his opening remarks, the Director of the Arrangement of Nuclear Installation and Material Control (DP2IBN) Dahlia C. Sinaga said that one of the objectives of drafting the revised draft regulation was BAPETEN No. 4 of 2010 is to be able to apply to the FRZR field, where existing facilities vary greatly from very simple facilities (type C) such as x-rays in health centers to large facilities (type A) such as radiotherapy in large hospitals that have risks large radiation. So that the implementation of the management system will only be applied to large (type A) and medium (type B) radiation facilities, while for simple facilities (type C) follow other management standards such as ISO.

The regulation of BAPETEN is derived from Government Regulation No. 43 of 2006 and Government Regulation (PP) No. 29 of 2008, although it is not clearly written about the management system requirements in PP No. 29 of 2008. As for applications in the IBN field Perka BAPETEN can already be applied properly. On the same occasion Dahlia C. Sinaga also delivered a presentation on the policy of monitoring the use of nuclear power.


The next presentation was delivered by Maradi Abdillah, Staff Subdirectorate for Health Licensing (DPFRZR) regarding the implementation of the management system in FRZR licensing, while the last presentation was delivered by Dewi Prima Meiliasari staff of the Sub-directorate of Energy Reactor Regulations regarding the draft BAPETEN regulation on revision of BAPETEN Regulation on Facilities and Activities Management Systems Utilization of Nuclear Energy. Dewi explained the background and contents of the report paper preparation, among others, the inability to use Perka BAPETEN No. 4 of 2010 in the field of FRZR, there is a change in IAEA standards related to management systems from GSR-3 to GSR Part 2 and the need to provide management system document formats and contents for guidance for permit holders.


In the discussion and question and answer session which was guided by Bambang Eko Aryadi, Kasubdit. Arrangement of Power Reactors, some input from participants need to get attention and follow-up from BAPETEN to be able to improve the draft BAPETEN regulation that is being drafted. [DP2IBN/FEB/BHKK/BAM]

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