Public Consultation on Laws of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Material in East Kalimantan
Kembali 18 Juli 2019 | Berita BAPETEN

Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, was chosen as the location of the Public Consultation conducted by BAPETEN through the Directorate of The Regulation of Supervision of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Material (DP2FRZR) on Thursday, July 18, 2019. This activity was carried out to get advice and input from BAPETEN’s stakeholders for the draft nuclear legislation (PUU) that currently being drafted, its a replacement draft PP 33 of 2007 about Safety of Ionizing Radiation and Radioactive Source Safety and a draft of BAPETEN regulation on Radiation Safety in the Management of Exposure Originating from Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (TENORM).

This activity was attended by representatives of permit holders for the use of ionizing radiation sources in the health and industry from government and private institutions and opened by the Head of the Sub-directorate of Health, Industry and Research DP2FRZR, Soegeng Rahadhy. In his remarks, Soera, as he is usually called, said that this activity was very important to be carried out as part of the arrangement of regulations that still on going. Through this activity, BAPETEN as the regulator can meet directly with stakeholders in several regions selected as the place to carry out the activities, such as in Balikpapan City. "Advice and input from related parties in Balikpapan city is needed to ensure that the regulations drafted can be effective and capable of being applied in the field," he added.


The activity continued with a presentation on the substitute design of PP 33 of 2007 by the Young Radiation Supervisor of Subdirectorate of PKIP DP2FRZR, Kristyo Rumboko, who said that this replacement design was prepared to adjust PUU regarding safety in nuclear utilization that already exists in Indonesia with nuclear safety documents issued by the International Atomic Energy Agency or IAEA, which is the main reference in PUU preparation on nuclear power.


On the same occasion, the Young Radiation Supervisor of the DP2FRZR Subdirectorate of Radiation Regulation and Environmental Safety (PPRKL), Hesty Rimadiany also presented the draft of BAPETEN regulation on Radiation Safety in Management of Exposure Originating from Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (TENORM). The draft of regulation on TENORM is prepared based on several criteria that refer to international standards and adapted to the situation and conditions in Indonesia so that later it can become a regulation that is capable and effective. "This agency regulation regulates among other types of activities that produce TENORM, TENORM management obligations, radiation safety analysis assessments, and TENORM management implementation," he explained.


The event ended with a question and answer session that was enthusiastically followed by the participants. In the discussion it was discussed about the types of activities that will be included as objects of BAPETEN supervision related to TENORM producing facilities, references in determining a facility including producing TENORM that must be monitored or not, and the impact of changes in PP 33 of 2007 to the community, workers and the environment and utilization facilities. Soera also added that in addition to being able to provide advice and input directly, participants could also send suggestions, inputs and corrections to the draft regulations that were being compiled by e-mail to [DP2FRZR/Hes]


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