Public Consultation on Draft of BAPETEN Regulations on Nuclear Installation and Materials, in Yogyakarta
Kembali 09 April 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN held "Public Consultation on Draft of BAPETEN Regulations for Nuclear Installation and Materials" related to Safety Provisions for Heat Transfer Systems and Related Systems and draft of BAPETEN regulations related to Nuclear Reactor Aging Safety Management, held on Friday (09/04).

The event was opened by the Director of Licensing for Nuclear Installations and Materials of BAPETEN Haendra Subekti. In his opening remarks, He said "Public consultation is needed as part of drafting regulations and is intended to obtain input from relevant stakeholders."

On this occasion, BAPETEN Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Dahlia C. Sinaga also delivered a speech. In her speech, She stated that the two draft of BAPETEN regulations are derivatives of Government Regulation No. 54/2012.

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An important process in drafting regulations is to involve stakeholder carried out with public consultation activities. For that, the speakers are from the Faculty of Engineering-Gajah Mada, namely Prof. Kusnanto, Dr. Deendarlianto, Dr. Andang Widi Harto, and Dr. Sihana.

The event was followed with presentation on "Safety is Future Business" by the Chairman of BAPETEN Jazi Eko Istiyanto, presentation on "The Draft of BAPETEN Regulation Regarding the Safety of Nuclear Reactor Aging Management" by the Radiation Supervisor Suci Prihastuti, and presentation on "The Draft of BAPETEN Regulation Regarding the Provisions for the Safety of the Transfer System Heat and Related Systems” by Radiation Supervisor Catur Febriyanto Sutopo.

The event, which was held in Yogyakarta, attended by participants from academia and BATAN, and also closed with question and answer session and discussion moderated by the Coordinator of Non-Power Reactor Arrangement, Nursyamsi Syam. [DP2IBN/Rommy/BHKK/SP/IP/RA]





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